Saturday, 17 June 2023

Don't Drink, Don't Smoke; What do you do?

After failing to seduce the heavily scarred but strapping pit-fighter, the raven haired Tanita settles for comforting the young man instead. The rejection was a surprise and, considering his broad shoulders and six-pack abs, a little disappointing. 

Flicking back her hair, she casually admires herself in the burnished mirror of Fortu's cell. The reflection in the warm candlelight is flattering but not deceptively so.

"Still beautiful", she smiles to herself.

They sleep spooned together in the comfortable single-and-a-half bed until they're awoken in the morning with a sharing tray of warm sultana porridge, fruit juice, flatbread and bacon. It's an ideal breakfast. Not so much as to slow down his metabolism but enough to maximise his energy for what is sure to be a brutal encounter.

As Fortu is called to the 'Prep' area, Tanita wipes the last crumbs off her stoic warriors stubbled chin and smiles up at him warmly...

"See you later, Gladiator!"


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...