Thursday, 18 May 2023

Every Capuchins' a Critic

The heavy thud of the fist sized nut onto his leg, knocks Rifkin backwards and he quickly squints up at the oddly angled tree-tops in annoyance. Despite, or perhaps because of the bright light burning all around them, it'd been impossible to spot the small, unmoving monkeys hidden high in the strange trees. Impossible until they started throwing coconuts.

Just moments before, the gigantic, desiccated and seemingly dead snake slid from the sloping trunk it was draped over and the seemingly dead man shuddered back to a twitchy, staccato semblance of life. Slow moving but indifferent to their own safety, they mindlessly pressed forward to attack.

His friends reacted exactly as he'd grown to expect... Arowe from a position of relative safety, balanced atop the stone well, fired arrow after arrow into the giant python. Fortu blocked the advance of the reanimated Druid, driving his thick sword through the wretched creatures chest. Liga Burr though had spotted the high positioned monkeys before the first thrown coconut had landed and was already firing back at them and the three Human guards worked together to take care of the giant constrictor.

Or tried at least.

Everyone's blows seem to be having little effect. The creatures' lack of beating hearts or vital organs mean that their slashing and piercing weapons are mostly ineffective, with arrows just poking into them like sandbags. Only dismemberment will stop them. A surprisingly difficult proposition when dealing with a giant snake!

Several more of the large, brown nuts impact into the sand near Rifkin's feet and another one bounces off his head. Thankfully there's no power behind the small monkeys' aim but it still annoying and the Bard also does what he (and his teammates) have come to expect.

Rifkin pushes further backwards into the lush greenery for cover and plays on. He knows that his inspiring music is much more helpful than anything else he could do to contribute.

The battle now seems more like a chore, with Fortu easily dismembering the unarmoured zombie and the guileless snake seemingly unable to grab any of its multiple opponents. Battles can change in an instant though, as Henshaw, too reliant on his shield, takes a powerful blow from the enormous snakes head and is sent flying, with his ribs broken and the air knocked out of him. A dozen more seconds though, and it's all over, with the zombified snake flayed to the point of immobility.

Then, despite all his teammates being open targets and the deep cover he'd given himself, two more of the oversized nuts bounce off Rifkin's shoulders.

"What's wrong with you little pricks?! Don't like music?!!"


  1. Think himself lucky, monkeys usually throw sh!t

  2. Capuchins. Little bastards. If I'd have known, I'd have burnt their trees down. :) .... only kidding Mr DM


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