Sunday, 12 June 2022

Not tears, just smoke in my eyes

 Fortu sits comfortable staring over the fire at Rifkin. He's survived many injuries but usually after the pain is barely numbed with poppy juice, stitches are pulling tight and his body a coloured patchwork of bruises. Now he is just relaxed, the little Bards magic curing the actual fatal wounds that Kane had inflicted.

He remembers back just a few weeks when the timid bard had run from the battle near the river and the fury he'd felt at the mans apparent cowardice. He feels shame now at the way he accosted Rifkin. For in the battle with the wolves the man was being chased by an alpha wolf, mortally wounded himself, yet he had risked his life to give aid to Fortu. Potentially turning the tide of the fight.

Fortu stands and makes his way around the fire to where Rifkin is trying to analyse the weapons and ring just taken.

"In the 'pit' when fighters survive they make a blood pact" he shows Rifkin his left hand with three parallel scars. "We are no longer in the 'pits' but you Rifkin have my admiration, trust and friendship. The blood pact is no longer my way but" He stoops down and picks up Rifkin in a great hug. "I am honoured to know you"


  1. is that their collective noun? a bravery

    1. I want to suggest a 'Solilquy of Bards' or even a 'Syphony of Bards' but I think it'd probably by the simple and alliterative: 'Band of Bards'.

    2. Damn, that's better! :D

  2. Every time this group has a significant battle we pull out heroic behaviour time and time again. Someone is always close to death, there is a robin-hood-esque perfect shot, or a critical sword swipe to save the day in the nick of time.
    Rifkin is no less in this. A hero among heroes!


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...