Saturday, 18 June 2022

Life, Death and Bad-Ass Scars!

After hand-waving it away during the actual game session, I double checked the recovery rules after being reduced to below 0 Hit Points...


1) From full HPs down to even just a measly1 = Perfectly fine.
2) 0 HPs = Disabled.
3) -1 to -9 HPs = Dying.
4) -10 or less = Dead!


Perfectly fine: Able to do anything a character is normal capable of.
Disabled: Can only make a single 'Move' action per turn. If character takes any strenuous action like a Melee attack, they instantly lose 1 HP and fall unconscious (Dying).
Dying: Unconscious and will lose an additional 1 HP per round unless healed or stabilised.
Dead: Game over. Roll up another character unless your teammates are super kind and have access to resurrection spells.

Magical Healing:

Any magical healing (Potion or spell) will automatically stabilise the unconscious character and remove that amount of damage. If they are healed above 0 HPs, they're instantly conscious and 'Perfectly fine' again.

Skill: Heal: DC: 15 (Full round action).

Character is stabilised but remains unconscious.
After an hour of being stable, roll a D20. On a 19 or 20 they instantly recover to 0 HPs and become conscious but 'Disabled'.

Self Stabilisation:

Roll a D20. On a 19 or 20, they stabilise for an hour and won't bleed out over that time. If you roll 18 or less, they lose an additional 1 HP. Repeat this every round until they're either stabilised or dead.

After an hour roll another D20. On a 19 or 20 they start to recover and (if left unmolested in a survivable environment) will recover HPs equivalent to their level. (A 5th level character will recover 5 HPs per rest period.) If you roll 18 or less, you lose another HP. Repeat this every hour until you're healing or dead.

If you rest twice your normal amount in a 24 hour period, they double their healing rate. (A 5th level character will recover 10 HPs per double rest period.)


Permanent scars are 'won' whenever a character drops below 0 HPs. The closer to -10, the bad-assier the scar.

Fortu and Arowe have gained several since they banded together but Liga Bur has so far avoided acquiring any more. 

In fact, the pink shirted Arowe has actually been mortally wounded three times already since this campaign began: From the centaur; Tsigan's spear-like arrow, From the War's five-foot-long (reach weapon) tusk and, most recently, from the werewolf Kane's twin short swords. Three scars on his previously perfect skin and his fancy silk shirt and pantaloons must be looking pretty worse for wear by now.

Fortu also fell to the War and (very temporarily) to Kane as well.

I think Scott's taken his characters from one defensive extreme to another...

Bastien was powerfully armoured but slow and completely incapable of climbing, jumping, swimming or riding on a floaty spider-man Drider monster. 

Liga Bur (with the aid of Mir Hundur) is the complete opposite of that and so far, so good!

Massive Damage:

Just as a deterrent for high HP characters unsuspending disbelief, D&D has a rule to prevent super tough, high level Barbarians routinely jumping off cliff-tops onto the rocks below and surviving.
If a character takes more than 50 HPs of damage in a SINGLE blow, they must make a Fortitude saving roll: DC: 15 or instantly die. 


1) So rather than just rolling above a 10 on a D20 to stabilise, the character needs to roll a 1 in ten!

2) Most of these rules don't apply to Arowe due to his 'Periapt of Wound closure' and being an elf.

1 comment:

  1. What I'm hearing is - drop below zero and you can kiss your character's ass goodbye, unless you've got magical healing ready.

    I'm actually stoked that Arowe has some cool scars! I had a feeling that this was the case, we as a party have scraped through so often in this campaign.


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