Sunday, 11 July 2021

Validation Unlocked

Excellent, my needy desire for validation has been sated and we're all onboard for further adventures in Fissa!

In response to your kind words and affirmations though...

David: You're quite right; 5th level for Fighters is a horribly dead level. Fortu barely gets anything: +10 HPs, +1 to Hit and +2 Skill point. Next level (6th) though is great! I consider that the entry to being a 'Mid-level' character in D&D.

Assif: I really like Arowe. His specific story arc seems to be about personal growth. From his prior cossetted perception of golden heroics to experiencing the much grimmer reality. He's a character with lots of options: Two-weapon swashbuckler? Long distance sniper? Light-footed outrider? 

Scott: I'd love to know what your original reply said but I'm just pleased you're still enjoying the game. As a versatile Ranger Liga Burr is far from useless and probably has the most interesting backstory... What happened to his original Halfling parents and who/what were those supernatural, red-eyed creatures that decimated his adoptive Orc tribe? 

This does seem like a good time to take a small break however. I've got some thoughts but need to pad them out and write them up. I'll start this week and let you know when I post 'Module 2' up. At that point, Scott can start searching for a date that suits everyone in August/September?

Any hints at what you're planning to do would be much appreciated though... Will the Party head back towards Scar Burrow or Koenig's hidden hut? Will they use the new map to search for the sinister looking, blackened tree? Will they try to discover more about the mysterious and probably important Thornberg? Or, as Scott noticed, try to find the Dryad pool that Sir Briefadel was actually really searching for?

Also, It'd also be useful if you three could divide up the magic and send me copies of your 5th level character sheets before the next session.

Also, also, I made an error on the Experience post. Everyone should have a bit more as I forgot the 'Original Posts' and 'Comments' bonuses. I'll add them on in the next few days.

Thanks again Boys and see you soon!


1 comment:

  1. seems like everyone wants to stick it to Sir Briefedel, i'm for heading on follow the new map. will recheck the treasure but i think the only iten idealy suited for Fortu would be the plate, dont think either of the others will be chasing that.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...