Tuesday, 6 July 2021

End of the Road?

Hi Boys,

It's been over a year since we started this on-line adventure together and hopefully you've all had a good time.

Three really funtastic/fantastic heroes, hopefully interesting settings, encounters and scary opponents!

As for me, I've probably become a little over-invested. It's been a great distraction from all the worries and stresses in my life but I do pour a fair bit of time to it. Time I really should be investing in other more productive areas of my life.

That said, I do get a fantastic thrill out of it but mostly in making you boys laugh and giving us a fun reason to stay in touch. 

The difference I've noticed in this on-line campaign compared to the in-person' 'Cottage-of-Doom' ones is your freedom to choose different options. With the solid, every-three-months, weekend sessions, I could only prepare so many choices without derailing the story. With the monthly, three-hour sessions, I can follow your characters in whichever direction you choose to go.

More 'Sandbox', less 'Railroad'.

Assif has done a great job with keeping us tech-linked up and doubling up as 'Player' and 'Camera man' (I couldn't have done it). David has been more helpful than he realises with driving the combats. Poor Scott though, has had to set the schedule as he's the busiest of us.

Was a target of four to six weeks between sessions too ambitious?

So what do you say? Are you three are still invested in the story and want to see what happens next? Does everyone still have the time and energy as the lockdown eases?

As a group, do we want to further the story? Should I write the next 'Module'? 

I do have a title worked out...



  1. I still really enjoy it all, never as busy as the three of you so the gaming sessions are sometime the highlight of my month :)
    Appreciate the time and effort you put in Kirk and would be fun to push these charactures past the meh 5th lvl (think I got 2 skill points and Hp)

  2. I also really appreciate the effort you put into making this fun adventure for us. We just have to rock up and play which is great.
    I've enjoyed playing Arowe but he is a little one dimensional. Maybe with some of the interesting items you have out last time he could either get more involved with direct combat or be more stealthy. I'm any case being a range fighter has it's benefits, I'm just not used to it.
    To answer your question. Yes, more!!
    Want to find out more about the characters and maybe kill Sir B as a bonus lol

  3. Fuck sake. Wrote a long reply and then the internet cut out on upload.

    In short: Very much appreciate all the effort you guys put in to build the story and work around the time differences so I can still play, and see you.

    Liga Bur is fun but useless, and would love to make it to the dryad pools to stick it to Sir B.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...