Sunday, 11 July 2021

Validation Unlocked

Excellent, my needy desire for validation has been sated and we're all onboard for further adventures in Fissa!

In response to your kind words and affirmations though...

David: You're quite right; 5th level for Fighters is a horribly dead level. Fortu barely gets anything: +10 HPs, +1 to Hit and +2 Skill point. Next level (6th) though is great! I consider that the entry to being a 'Mid-level' character in D&D.

Assif: I really like Arowe. His specific story arc seems to be about personal growth. From his prior cossetted perception of golden heroics to experiencing the much grimmer reality. He's a character with lots of options: Two-weapon swashbuckler? Long distance sniper? Light-footed outrider? 

Scott: I'd love to know what your original reply said but I'm just pleased you're still enjoying the game. As a versatile Ranger Liga Burr is far from useless and probably has the most interesting backstory... What happened to his original Halfling parents and who/what were those supernatural, red-eyed creatures that decimated his adoptive Orc tribe? 

This does seem like a good time to take a small break however. I've got some thoughts but need to pad them out and write them up. I'll start this week and let you know when I post 'Module 2' up. At that point, Scott can start searching for a date that suits everyone in August/September?

Any hints at what you're planning to do would be much appreciated though... Will the Party head back towards Scar Burrow or Koenig's hidden hut? Will they use the new map to search for the sinister looking, blackened tree? Will they try to discover more about the mysterious and probably important Thornberg? Or, as Scott noticed, try to find the Dryad pool that Sir Briefadel was actually really searching for?

Also, It'd also be useful if you three could divide up the magic and send me copies of your 5th level character sheets before the next session.

Also, also, I made an error on the Experience post. Everyone should have a bit more as I forgot the 'Original Posts' and 'Comments' bonuses. I'll add them on in the next few days.

Thanks again Boys and see you soon!


Tuesday, 6 July 2021

End of the Road?

Hi Boys,

It's been over a year since we started this on-line adventure together and hopefully you've all had a good time.

Three really funtastic/fantastic heroes, hopefully interesting settings, encounters and scary opponents!

As for me, I've probably become a little over-invested. It's been a great distraction from all the worries and stresses in my life but I do pour a fair bit of time to it. Time I really should be investing in other more productive areas of my life.

That said, I do get a fantastic thrill out of it but mostly in making you boys laugh and giving us a fun reason to stay in touch. 

The difference I've noticed in this on-line campaign compared to the in-person' 'Cottage-of-Doom' ones is your freedom to choose different options. With the solid, every-three-months, weekend sessions, I could only prepare so many choices without derailing the story. With the monthly, three-hour sessions, I can follow your characters in whichever direction you choose to go.

More 'Sandbox', less 'Railroad'.

Assif has done a great job with keeping us tech-linked up and doubling up as 'Player' and 'Camera man' (I couldn't have done it). David has been more helpful than he realises with driving the combats. Poor Scott though, has had to set the schedule as he's the busiest of us.

Was a target of four to six weeks between sessions too ambitious?

So what do you say? Are you three are still invested in the story and want to see what happens next? Does everyone still have the time and energy as the lockdown eases?

As a group, do we want to further the story? Should I write the next 'Module'? 

I do have a title worked out...


Friday, 2 July 2021

Study Notes

With the fire banked and roaring, their stomachs full and their wine glasses topped up, the four adventurers rifle through all the letters, notes, sketches, maps and journals.

Their are only two maps. The first leading from the Three-Quarterling's cave to a large blackened and twisted tree. The second leading back towards Scar Burrow and showing Koenig's hidden forest base.

There are also only two sets of letters. The larger pile are all from Koenig, who you also knew as the Rat King. They are written in the secret language of the Druids and mostly indecipherable but Liga Bur recognises a few words from his training under the orc trackers from his tribe. 'Love', 'Father' and 'Son' are the most obvious but a few others also stand out... 'Poison', 'Humans' and 'Confict'. The second, smaller pile are from another Druid called Thornberg but unfortunately, Liga Bur can translate nothing additional from these.

The notes and sketches are obviously the result of years of observation. There are literally scores of self-portraits of the Three-Quarterling himself and drawings of the now dead Owl/Horse: Howl and Orc/Scorpion: Scorcion plus the very-much-alive Dog/Hawk: Dork.

Just by quickly scanning through, you soon find several dozen drawings of the horse-headed man you encountered a few days ago. 'Charlie-Horse', the Centaurs had called him. You also find references to the Cat/Raven hybrids: Cravens. One of which was brought down by Sir Briefadel's trained falcon.

Bizarre looking as most of them are, some of the other names make you laugh. A huge, powerfully built wolf-like creature with monstrous Boar tusks is labelled a War and an oversized rabbit with short curled horns, weird horizontal slit goat eyes and a long chin beard called a Grabbit.

The journals are mostly just sad and lonely diary entries but a few of them contain useful information about the groups' current situation.

'Normals are completely safe from the magical pools influence whilst within these cave walls but will be again vulnerable immediately upon leaving.'

'Even when a Normal has resisted once, that resistance will only last until the next sunrise.'

'When a Normal has resisted the strongest call of the pool thrice times, he is forevermore immune to its influence.'

Another entry explains why the Three-Quarterling was able to coexist with the Howl, the Scorcion and specifically, the terrifying Beer.

'Hybrids have an inherent understanding and sympathy for each other. Whatever their intelligence, they will never attack another Hybrid.'

Just then, Liga Bur's sturdy dog; Mir Hundur wanders in looking very pleased with himself. The creepy black remains of one of the loose Bat/Beetle: Battles, hanging limp from his mouth.

Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...