Thursday, 24 December 2020

Hold my hair

Once Liga Bur is sure that the last of the rats are dead or have scurried off back to wherever they came from, the leathers are secure, and the pack ponies are safe he tends again to Mir Hundur's wounded feet.

The bandages have held up well and will suffice to get them back into town where he can find a proper vet to look after his faithful campanion.

Finally taking the time to look after his own wounds, Liga Bur makes his way down to the river to wash out his wounds. Only very shallow scratches, but the cuts are already starting to take on a sickly shade of purple.

And his own face looks decided green and sickly in the reflection of the water. 

He's not feeling so good either, now the adrenaline has worn off.

In fact, he doesn't feel right at all.

His tummy aches, and he has a sudden urge to...



  1. Those damn rats! That annoying filth fever!
    Everyone except Rifkin are already feeling distinctly off-colour.
    How're you going to make it back to town in your diseased states?

  2. I wondered where the title was leading us :)


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