Liga Bur sat astride Mir Hundur alongside the rest of the cavalry. The wargs his tribal brothers and sisters rode were wild and unruly brutes but Mir Hunder was calm beneath him, aside from the occasional snarl as he scented the Red Eyes arrayed before them on what would become the bloodiest of fields.
Only months before, The Red Eye tribe had descended from the mountains with no warning and unnatural speed, and quickly overrun their camp. Ever since, the Darkstars had been pushed back and harried and it seemed that no matter which way they turned the Red Eyes were there as if they had some magical ability to know where to lie in wait.
Now, pushed back to the very edge of their territory, and with nowhere else to run besides into the barren desert, Madh Boss had finally decided it was time to stop running. The Red Eyes had whittled his tribe down piece by piece and now was the time to make a last stand, whether it broke the Darkstar Clan or not. The Clan was half broken already anyway, butchered, enslaved or scattered to the winds.
The Darkstars had managed finally managed to outmaneouvre their foes, and as they crested the hilltop they could see the Red Eyes were gathered in the valley below. The Darkstar war horns sounded, waking Liga Bur from his memories. A brief check was all he needed to make sure his equipmeent was where it should be. He sat his saddle proudly with bow and longsword carefully stowed but in easy reach. His buckler was strapped firmly to his arm, and his well balanced lance tapered to a wickedly sharp point.
A moment later the horns sounded again, and this time the barely contained cavalry leapt to the charge. Using the descent into the valley to their advantage Liga Bur and the rest of the Darkstar Clan gathered such speed that the enemy rose up to meet them quicker than he expected.
Sighting a particularly crazed looking Red Eye, Liga Bur lowered his lance and applied his knees to nudge Mir Hundur in the right direction. The orc before him was dead before he hit the ground... Liga Bur's lance had struck unerringly true and the body was left behind as Mir Hunder continued his charge into the horde.
Battle was well and truly joined, but the momentum of the charge had been spent and as the warg cavalry risked becoming bogged down, Liga Bur discarded his battered and now useless lance. An enemy foot-orc launched himself against Mir Hundur's flank and grabbed desperately to pull Liga Burg from his saddle. Almost as one, Liga Bur and Mir Hunder countered. Liga Bur battered the attacking orc off with his buckler who, now already dazed and stumbling, was tripped to the ground by Mir Hundur. As his enemy tried to rise, Liga Bur drew his longsword and carved a fatal slash across the Red Eye's throat.
The battle raged for what seemed like hours, but eventually Liga Bur noticed the space and quiet around him. The fight was over. The Darkstar Clan had won the victory and he raised his own voice alongside his brethren in a howl of victory.
As their cries died down, an unnatural quiet passed over the field. A chill wind blew and a purple mist rose from the ground to cover their ankles. Slowly and quietly at first, the bodies of the Red Eyes twitched and began to rise.
A supernatural laugh began to echo across the battlefield and the Darkstar Clan, almost as one, realised that whilst the battle may have been won he war was finally lost, and they routed - fleeing as quickly as possible from an enemy they now knew they could never hope to beat.
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Do we play or do we go now?
It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...
Thought of the fantastic header above and considered myself a true genius. Sadly, after checking online, I found that this joke had been mad...
Welcome back to the world of Fissa gentle (and not so gentle) men! For slightly over a hundred years, life has been good. Since the long a...
Assif asked the question after the last session; “Why should we care about Sir Briefadel ?” It’s simultaneously a fair and unfair question...
Exciting stuff!
ReplyDeleteLiga Bur, Mir Hundir, Darkstars?
Searching for links and clues but coming up empty.
Glad I (just barely) had enough willpower to wait.
Orcs, Wargs, Undead. That is epic stuff my friend!
ReplyDeleteTook me a while to realise it was Mir Hundar not Mr Hundar though. I was thinkkng white horse with a hat on 🤣
Darkstars is entirely made up... Liga Bur and Mir Hundur are translations for very pertinent things. I had to work very hard to find a good dictionary in the right language for that!
ReplyDeleteSo not original but maybe Ab-original?
Interesting potential party dynamics.
ReplyDeleteI can now only see Mr Hunder.... the talking warg?