Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Summoning Satyrs

After disconcertingly discovering the first ugly-horse-camel creature brutally slaughtered and half devoured, Liga Bur leaves the others behind to track down the remaining seven. They'll need them if they're going to make it back to Valdez or the oasis. In the meantime, the rest of the Party unpack the stowed equipment and set up the large tent, before simply waiting in its shade for the Tundra hardened Halfling to return with their rides. Despite travelling with the adventurers for over a month now, Henshaw is still amazed by Liga Bur’s formidable survival skills and he knows, without question, that they’d all be dead by now, from either thirst or heat exposure, without him.

Henshaw’s faith in the little tracker is soon proved justified, when Liga Bur comes riding back atop his loyal hound; Mir Hundur, leading all seven of the surviving camels. The Party though, is still not ready to leave. Although struggling to keep his ire-filled voice below a shout, the Elven Arowe is still the first to consider how they can help Rifkin and Doberman.

“Could our Bard’s charm bracelet help here? Perhaps the tiny Pixie has some magic that could cure Rifkin's deafness and Doberman's disease?”

Rifkin smiles crookedly in hopeful understanding and, because of that very deafness, answers a little too loudly.


Everyone nods in agreement and Rifkin, with dramatic but unnecessary flair, twists off the satyr shaped token from Estrid's bracelet and feels it hum and warm up in his soft hand. After less than a minute, the half goat, half man; Magritte appears, Barely dressed beyond his rapier, longbow, quiver and twin potion-caddy bandoliers.

Initially Crouched with his sword in hand, the bearded Magritte quickly assesses the situation, straightens up and sheaths his weapon.

"How may I be of service?"

After a speedy explanation, the friendly Satyr sets to work examining all three of the afflicted. He treats Rifkin first with a carefully selected vial and, much to the Bard's joy, it proves successful. Doberman takes a moment longer but he too is cured of the Hag's disease. When he comes to Arowe though, Magritte just shakes his goat-horned head.

"I'm sorry my Elven friend. Your ongoing affliction is magical in nature, not physical, but worry not; even an ‘uncivilised’ Fey creature, such as myself has heard of the elite Elven Oath-bows. Your hyper-focused rage will not last forever. You'll have to endure this rage for a week, just seven days and then you'll be free of it. Until, that is, you call upon it again."

Afterwards, Fortu and the others share with Margritte what has happened since they last saw each-other and what they plan to do now. The handsome and tanned Satyr listens attentively and, at the completion of the tale, agrees that returning home seems to be the only sane course of action.

"I'll inform the goddess of the pool of your estimated arrival in about eight days and I'll be sure to have the Nixies take turns watching out for you at the bottom of the hundred feet underwater shaft. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help, but please accept my remaining potions. You may have need of them before we meet again."

With that, Magritte empties his bandoliers, carefully explaining what each potion does as he passes them over. After that, the charming Satyr chats with the adventurers until his hour is up.

"Safe journey my friends. I hope to see you all again soon."



1) Potion of Cure Light Wounds x 2

2) Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x 2

3) Potion of Cure Serious Wounds x 2

4) Potion of Delay Poison x 1

5) Potion of Magic Fang +1 x 1

6) Potion of Bark-skin +2 AC x 1

7) Potion of Bear's Endurance +4 Con x 1

8) Potion of Cat's Grace +4 Dex x 1

9) Potion of Bull's Strength +4 Str x 1

10) Potion of Lesser Restoration x 2

(Assif, I think I got this right but if not, (to avoid any unnecessary confusion) scrunch up your list and throw it in the bin.)

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