Saturday, 19 October 2024

Tales from the Ledge: A Path Pre-trod

Rifkin leans heavily on the stone ledge and anxiously waggles his little-finger in his ear, trying (unsuccessfully) to get some semblance of his hearing back. His smooth, pale hands still trembling from their recent ‘reunion’ with (the apparently secretly-a-Wizard) Sir Briefadel.

He’d appreciated the luck they’d had from finding Grimcrack Thin-Needle’s diary and magical harp. An instrument specially chosen to help overcome the first obstacle of the tower. But it’s only now though, he’s realising that, despite his current loss of hearing, this wasn’t their only piece of good fortune. Now that he considers it, they’ve been walking a somehow blessed path from the very beginning.

The Three-Quarterling’s silver Kukri; An ideal defence against the Werewolf; Kane.

The sentient rapier; Arogorn Feybane would have been the perfect foil against Estrid; Goddess of the pool and her Fey guardians.

The underwater armour found behind the cell of the terrifying Beer creature, allowed Fortu to, not just survive but overcome the deep abyss pool.

The Cold-iron short-swords taken from Kane’s bloody corpse, that are a dark anathema to the Fey.

His own delicate Wind fan, taken on a whim, that allowed Fortu and Doberman to cross the bridge.

The Key-Sword won by Fortu, which opened the door to the tower and so much more. They wouldn’t have made it to the top without it.

And now the Oath bow; a weapon powerful enough to strike gods and demons!

Reaching for his satchel, the now curious Bard wonders what else they had that might have proven useful. 

1 comment:

  1. Keep telling Kirk that all his hints and clues are wasted on me, so many times I go 'oh that's why' or 'oh now that makes sense' haha


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