Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Reflections in the Dark: Liga Bur

Clinging tightly to the much heavier Mir Hundur in the ferocious updraft, Liga Bur tumbles after his Elven and Human compatriots. The semi-plummeting Fortu was quickly swallowed up by the swirling darkness below but he actually starts to gain on the slenderer, lightly armoured Arowe. Still, he and his faithful hound are the last to enter the absolute and unnatural shadows beneath the rotating tower.

Unable to judge the remaining distance in the black mist, they land with a bump and Liga Bur immediately rolls off his loyal companion to prevent further injury. The fire elemental; Dijonn, despite flaring wildly, is only able to pierce about ten feet of the, almost tangible, blackness that surrounds them. After picking himself up and soothing his wide-eyed dog, Liga Bur starts to search for his friends. He calls their names but his voice is worryingly muffled in the fog-like darkness.

Ever the pragmatist though, he considers what their next move should be. He's a great tracker, ironically better than the skillful Orc who'd trained him, and he's only gotten better since. His old mentor; Gajutar Auga had often joked that it was just because he was closer to the ground. Despite that though, tracking a flying horse for several days across a desert on a unfamiliar world? Impossible. The life-toughened Halfling is confident however, that once they find their way out of this black hole, he could easily guide his charges back to bustling Valdez city or dead Zephir's oasis and the portal back home to Fissa.

While leading Mir Hundur slowly forward and calling out every few steps, the sharp-minded Halfling wonders about Sir Briefadel's last few words.

"Tell my Father that, after I’ve raised my army, I'm coming for him. And then, once he's dead, I'm going to finish what he started!"

Liga Bur, perhaps due to his cautious Halfling nature or his outsider Orcish upbringing, held an instinctive distrust of large Human settlements and had avoided the main cities of Stowan. He'd travelled there only because of the stories he'd heard of old Halfling settlements along its Feyland boarders. 

Now though, perhaps it would be prudent to travel to Stowan's capital city; Cottis and warn old Lord Urdurel that his son is coming to get him?

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