Sunday 15 September 2024

The Room of Possibly too many Possibilities!

With the help of Doberman and Henshaw, heavy Fortu lowers himself from the hatch, before carefully dropping down onto the tangled, confusing detritus of twisted metal, broken glass and cremated rat corpses. The ex-gladiator then uses his dark, armoured sabaton covered feet to stomp flat the area directly under the hatch as best as he can, to make it safer for his teammates. He then catches them all, one after another, but tough as he is, Fortu still flinches slightly when the chunky Doberman falls from above.

The barefoot Liga Bur and four-pawed Mir Hundur seem the most vulnerable but both possess leathery soles or tough pads and, although being cautious, find themselves mostly safe. Everyone else depend on a combination of sturdy footwear and heedfulness. Then, using the brightly burning torchlight of his fiery assistant, Liga Bur examines the state of the two, blackened-to-charcoal, cold-iron reinforced, wooden doors. Dijonn has kept his promise regarding concentrating his flame there and the two, formerly substantial barriers are thoroughly burnt through. A solid shoulder barge from the heavily armoured Fortu, is all that it takes to break them down.

The, now open, twin doorways both expose tightly spiralling stone stairwells leading downwards and, after a brief discussion, the keen sighted Arowe draws his magical, camouflaging Elven cloak around himself and slinks down alone into the darkness of the right-hand one. His footsteps also muffled by the matching, soft-leather, magical Elven boots he wears.

After a brief descent, the stone steps lead into a short corridor, so dark that even his hyper sensitive Elven eyes can perceive nothing and he's forced to grope his way forward. After a little while though, he comes to another short flight of stairs with grey 'daylight' seeping down from an already opened hatch.

Utilising his magical cloaks subtle power, Arowe raises his head just above the hatchway to see that it opens up on a giant stone palm. The fingers and thumb curled upwards to act as five ledgeless balusters, partially preventing anyone accidentally falling off. It’s with a mild sense of surprise that he realises that he’s on an ornamental balcony outside of the tower. The hand he’s peering out on, is one of the outstretched hands of the elaborate giant statue of Dulcetta.

Looking out from his hidden position, he can see the stone left hand across from him at about the same height and in between and above is the massive head, open mouthed in song. Straining to see or hear anything, Arowe's frustrated as he can’t really make anything out either way, due to his low vantage point and the roar of the fierce updrafts.

Confident that he hasn’t been spotted by anyone though, the stealthy Elf quietly retraces his steps and then, once back with the others, tries the other door, corridor and steps to similar effect.

On his return from his second foray, the grimacing Arrow realises, that despite seeing through the Gnomish ‘only-two-doors’ misdirect, he’d somehow still fallen for it. By spotting the relatively easy to find ceiling hatch, he’d been lulled into the mistaken conclusion that there’d only been one extra option. 

The question then becomes ‘where’s the missing exit?’ and it’s Liga Bur that suggests the answer. The only point that Arowe couldn’t see properly from his outside positions, was the statue Dulcetta’s wide open mouth. If her hands were balconies, then her mouth would make a perfect, shielded-from-the-elements, observation point.

Arowe nods in agreement, but that would place the additional doorway exactly between the two already burned down ones. Refocusing at the wall again, it suddenly becomes obvious. The hidden third door would sit perfectly between the overt two on its right and left, with the deceiving Gnome statuette, lying directly overhead. The weirdly unsooted section of the wall adds credence to his theory.

Stepping forward, the tall Elf feels around behind the illusionary wall space with his fingertips and almost immediately touches roughened burnt wood. Retrieving his charcoal blackened fingers, proves him right. A skillful glamour covers the secret third door.

Giving it a firm push though, proves it also still standing and only partially damaged by Dijonn's general, undirected flames. It’ll still need to be broken through.

Fortu draws his huge magical sword, smiles and steps up to the mark…

You have a surprisingly large number of options here.

1) Run back down the open stone stairwell to retrieve your camels and ride away.

2) Climb up through the now open spire top into the blustery windy outside.

3) Through the burnt down right door, down the anti-clockwise spiral stone staircase and across and up into the open air, right palm.

4) Through the burnt down left door, down the clockwise spiral stone staircase and across and up into the open air, left palm.

5) Through the still locked, cold-iron reinforced door directly in front of you.


  1. ooh -1. seems nice....
    but I think -5. will be the way. gonna 'wind up' Dobieman and let him charge in :)

    1. Alternatively, you could do all five simultaneously?! ;P

  2. Lol yes. Have you met us? We were always doing 5 🤣


Reflections in the Dark: Arowe

Loosing yet another shaft from his suddenly righteous 'Oath-bow', Arowe howls in a fury that surprises himself, as the arrowhead, s...