Saturday, 17 February 2024

Marble Statues, Glass cabinets and Cold-Iron Doors

Vaulting easily up the steep stone steps before skidding to a halt, the athletic Arowe arrives at the new landing to find yet another surprisingly unbarred doorway. Despite the tower's revised purpose of being a prison, the only actual door they'd encountered, locked or otherwise, had been the huge cold-iron one leading to the grim outside. Odd to leave the levels so open for anyone or anything to move unimpeded up and down... Looking in to this floor though, he finally spots the second one, looming large on the opposite corner of the room. Like the first, it’s made of solid, Fey repelling cold-iron and ornate, but rather than traditional swirling, geometric patterns, this one represents a full sized man standing proud, both in posture and in its embossed design.

The previous two levels were booby-trapped and dark but this one is clearly lit by some, slightly disturbing, ambient light. Without stepping through the threshold, the atypically tall Elf takes in the strange tableau presented to him. A few terrified rats scurrying out of the way, draw Arowe's attention, but inadvertently lead his eyes to a large glass cabinet. It's about five-foot tall, standing atop a stone platform at the centre of the large room, surrounded by seven marble statues. Inside the glass cabinet lie the broken armour, weapons and bones of what looks like a Human soldier. Having read hundreds of adventure/horror stories in his youth, he’s immediately, and justifiably, suspicious of the statues. After Arowe watches them for a moment, he realises that their faces are indeed moving... Not alive but animated somehow by some sort of illusion projected directly from the glass cabinet itself. All of the statues are of the same young woman, frozen in various poses of fear or pleading. The beautiful teenager's seven faces wince and cringe and plead, as if about to be beaten or killed.

Still safe in the arched doorway, Arowe waits and watches the tortured expressions loop repeatedly, while his teammates catch up. The darkly stubbled Barbella and the astute Halfling; Liga Bur are the first to reach him, and the three of them enter the eerie chamber together. The light from the room almost prevents Liga Bur from noticing his fiery companion, Dijonn instantly shrink back down to a gently burning torch. At this low intensity, it’d be almost impossible to distinguish him from a normal flame on a regular torch… The Halfling shrugs, perhaps it's just to save the remains of his, already mostly used up, tar-soaked bracken torch? 

Barbella calls the Elf and Halfling over and points to an engraved bronze plaque he'd spotted at the base of the glass cabinet:

'Here lies the bones, armour and sword of the worthless soldier, who abandoned his post and allowed my precious daughter to be slaughtered in her bed.'

Finally catching up, Fortu and the others cautiously enter the room.

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