Saturday, 27 January 2024

March-ing Past February

Hi Boys,

Glad that my running the 'Map-cam' worked out to everyone’s satisfaction. I weirdly found that my face being off camera, was liberating rather than distracting. In addition, I was able to set everything up in advance, so there was no need for poor Assif to worry about unwrapping multiple packages in real time and tracking EVERYONE'S movement, especially all my NPCs!

In the future, it’ll also save me the trouble of driving up to St Albans to drop of or collect the boxloads of minis and models in advance of every session.

While Assif's two camera setup is definitely superior to my old webcam toggling system, the stresses are still much easier for me.

Role-play = My face. Combat = Map-cam.

Everyone was very generous with healing potions and spells for poor, clumsy Doberman last session, but a lot of you got minor injuries. Perhaps not the canny Liga Bur or the cowardly Rifkin, but FortuAroweDobermanHenshaw and Barbella definitely took some minor spear, acid or sonic damage. Liga Bur’s summoned boar certainly saved Henshaw’s, Doberman's and Barbella's lives!

So, while still fresh-ish in your minds, could you also all please note down your PCs and NPCS hit points, potions, spells and arrows used while you’ve still got the scraps of paper to hand.

Arowe only fired two arrows in the last session and Liga Bur only one in the session before but I’d still like you both to track your quivers. I suspect Arowe’s last normal one is about to run out and I’ve completely lost track of Liga Bur’s.

Like always, I flubbed some of the encounter descriptions but, like always, I'll compensate for my in-game panic by writing expositional Orange Inn posts. As Assif's away, Coachman-holidaying in the Algarve for the entirety of February, I'll have plenty of time to post up more stories and information.

That said, as I've already taken back responsibility for the map-cam, I might as well relieve Scott of the scheduling too. Better that I do it now than spend weeks fretting that no-one wants to play.

We've already done January, Assif's away working all through February and, as he'll probably still be unpacking/readjusting on the first weekend of March, I suggest the following 8.30am (UK) dates...

Saturday the 9th March

Sunday the 10th March

Saturday the 16th March

Sunday the 17th March

Saturday the 30th March

Sunday the 31st March

Between seven to ten weeks between sessions, I'd prefer earlier rather than later but I'm currently free for all these dates. As soon as we can reach a consensus though, we can cement the date in.

Will Arowe be able to make another impossible shot to loosen the emerald semi-hidden in the smaller spinning orb?

Will Liga Bur sacrifice anymore of his summoned creatures to get the Party out of problematic jams/slimes?

Will Fortu spend the rest of the campaign using his ‘Awesome’ new sword to cut through various stone and metal traps and doors?

Did we decide whether ‘Undoubtably’ Was a word yet?

I'm already looking forward to the next session!

Edit: Nice quick turnaround. Next game session: Saturday the 9th of March. Assume an 8.30am UK start unless informed otherwise.


  1. Can do any of the March days except the last - it is Easter weekend

  2. Actually maybe not Sunday mornings though... I do like my lie-ins. Especially 17th likely to have a Paddys day hangover

  3. So, that leaves 9th and 16th 🤣

  4. Saturday 9th. I already have plans on the 16th and then flying in to Blighty the week after.

  5. Just one day we can all agree on?
    Scheduling is a bastard!
    Saturday the 9th of March it is.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...