Saturday, 28 October 2023

Mayaheine or Erythnul, who got there first?

After finally fulfilling his dream prophecy Fortu hoped for a dreamless rest. He'd moved the body of the slaver Moody and disposed of it under a thin layer of sand, the blood-stained sand where he'd slit Moody's throat a stark reminder. He returned to his bedroll to catch a few hours rest before his turn on guard.

Standing in the glaring light of the multiple suns Fortu squinted, he was sure he could see two figures approaching. He made to call his friends but the words caught in his mouth, the figures approaching were his parents - although it was impossible for him to know this as he could not remember the faces of his mother or father - but he was sure these were the two that raised him. As they moved closer they both raised their hands beckoning to him. Trying to take a step forward he stumbled as the sand beneath him seemed to soften and swirl, glancing down he saw that he was standing on the same spot he'd killed Moody. The sand was blood red and swirling around and over his feet. He again tried to take a step forward but the sand was pulling him down, he stumbled to his knees.

The male figure was dressed in armour, the emblem 'a blood red drop' as he moved towards Fortu his face changed, an angry mixture of man/ ogre/ bugbear the only things that went unchanged were his eyes. They looked just like the 'eyes' Fortu had just found - fear emanating like a solid wave. His gauntlet covered  hand reaching out to Fortu.

As the sand slid up his thighs to his waist Fortu looked at the female, tall and golden haired also clad in armour, the emblem a downward pointing sword. On her back a bastard sword much like Fortu's own. Her face radiating the love and protection only a mother can show. Her gauntlet covered hand reaching out to Fortu.

 Fortu surged to wrench himself free from the pulling sand but instead found himself slipping chest deep. Panic clutched him as he realised that he could not free himself from the bubbling and seething sand, he reached up to the oncoming pair. They both hastened towards the quickly submerging Fortu.

The blood filled sand covered his chin and poured into his silently screaming mouth, thrusting his hand up he strained towards the pair. He believed himself lost as the sand covered his face and eyes, the sound of Moody's last pleas in his ears. Lost in darkness, alone, defeated then amazingly the rush of hope as his hand is taken in a firm grip and he is pulled upwards. As the sand falls away from his face and eyes he awakens, spitting metallic tasting sand from his mouth.

He sits up and looks around, although nothing seems to have changed to those within the tent everything has changed with how he sees them.


  1. Moody: "Please. I don't want to die."

  2. Yeah - this is way too deep for me. Don't understand a word of what is going on. I guess I am really bad at story :/
    So, were these two mentioned before somewhere?

    1. Wait - had to look it up. Gods. Erythnul - god of hate and slaughter, Mayaheine shieldmaiden goddess of protection.

    2. So what you are saying is:
      How will Fortu react to the act he committed - will he imitate the protection and love of the goddess or be filled with the hate and retribution of the bug-bear god?

      Is that right? Did I get it?

  3. yes my friend, summed it up perfectly :)

  4. So, new level up fast approaching... Perhaps a shift from Fighter to Paladin or Barbarian?


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...