Wednesday, 6 September 2023

The Diamond, the Hand and the Bow

While idling away a few triple sun-burning hours under the protection of the large tent, Rifkin puts down Moody's unfathomable diamond and re-examines the recently reactivated magical mummified hand. During his research, he discovers that it doesn't just allow a third magical ring to be worn and enable its wearer to see ethereal and invisible creatures but it can also generate light as bright as day for about an hour. Sadly, the hands ability to grant the power to see magically hidden creatures is also limited in time to about an hour in a day before the hand sags and tires. Too short a period of time to really protect Liga Bur and frustratingly, it also won't work when worn around a neck shared with any other magical necklace or medallion.

Distractedly scratching behind his shoulder with the long fingernails of the withered hand for a moment, Rifkin recalls Whackheem's words to Arowe from back at the second oasis.

"I'm so sorry my friend, I've nothing to surpass or even match that splendid Elven bow of yours."

Surprising, considering what he did have to offer, and then he said something even odder.

"Have you tried reading the inscription?"

Of course Arowe had noticed and read the finely carved words as soon as they'd found it. Most magical items and weapons had inscriptions of one sort or another carved or etched into them.  But still, the merchant of magic had been very specific. Rifkin's lips move silently as he delicately traces the short but stylishly carved Elven script along the side of Arowe's magical blackthorn bow.

‘Death to my Enemy’.

The Hand of Glory is a neck worn magical item. It enables the wearer to use a third magical ring at the expense of their neck position slot. It also grants the wearer the ability to cast 'See Invisibility' and 'Daylight' for one hour per day. This time is a continuous block but both spells can be cast separately or simultaneously.


  1. ooh ooh, its a vorpal bow of chopping heads off...?

  2. Enemy? Of Elves. I guess traditionally that might be dwarves or maybe orcs or the like. But it might be more specific. Wonder who that bow was made for??


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