Saturday, 26 August 2023

Keeping your Friend's Close

Despite the resentful presence of the glowering Wizard Moody, the last three day's travel have been hot and uncomfortable but thankfully uneventful. Then, on the third ‘night’, something dark and disturbing happens...

With one eye on the Halfling’s still unconscious but violently thrashing form, Barbella leans in and whispers into Henshaw's jug-ear.

"Why'd you tell 'em you understood Orcish? You said not to tell 'em anyfink!"

The blond thatched Henshaw scratches his slightly sunburned neck.

"The little guy woz cryin' out in his nightmare and Fortu asked me direct like. Not revealin' stuff is OK but straight-up lying? I'm not so skilled at that as you."

The now fully bearded Barbella rubs his nose.

"I suppose, but I still don't fully trust 'em. Unlike you, I don't feel that indebted and I'm only sticking around for the loot."

Henshaw smiles, revealing the 'lucky' gap between his two front teeth.

"Well, the Half-Elf did break us out of that arena and, if it's loot you're after, I fink you'll find it better by ‘sticking around’. Guardsmen only get paid a living wage, while Adventurers? Adventurers get rich!"

The shorter and swarthier of the two men, looks down at his magical short-sword and his bag of gold.

"Considerin' what we've faced so far, we ain't got too much to show for that theory."

David: You can add Orcish to Henshaw's character sheet under languages spoken after Common.


  1. Intriguing. A reminder important detail we missed or an unimportant story flavouring to keep us interested?

  2. A bit of both. Henshaw translated Liga Bur's nightmare screams from Orcish and by doing so, revealed a previously unknown (concealed) skill of his.

  3. Concealed? These 3 are shady fuckers, I vote we kill them in their sleep.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...