Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Gladiator Purse

Just a quick Treasure post so we (I) can keep track of your personal wealth.

When you return to the post-bout changing room, you find three large wicker baskets as before. Each with your name on an attached tag.

All of your equipment and gold you left in the prep room is already neatly stored there along with a second coin purse. the first one had contained 50gp but this one is fatter. Inside is 100gp!


Arowe: +150gp

Liga Burr: +150gp

Fortu: +150gp


No new magic. 

In fact, Arowe and Liga Burr elected to use a few potions and a scroll.

Arowe used his potions of 'Cat's Grace' and 'Haste'.

Liga Burr used one of his 'WindWall' scrolls and his potion of 'Cure Moderate Wounds' to save poor Mir Hundur.

All four, probably wise choices.


  1. Mmm - could do with more of those fine potions!
    I suspect we'll need some healing ones too for the next fight!

  2. Healing potions are always useful. :)


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