Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Death Waits in the Darkness

Deep down in the darkness, far below the blood-stained sand of the arena, a terrifying leviathan tests its restraints for the hundredth time. Well over thirty feet in length from its wide, tooth-filled muzzle to tapered tail-tip, it's bound chest down, flat to the ground by over a dozen heavy, iron chains. Heaving upward, the heavily muscled reptilian beast tries again to push up off of the hard stone floor. Straining its relatively small arms but mighty legs, its sabre-like claws scrape thick grooves into the cold rock but fail to find sufficient purchase to overcome the protesting chains. After thrashing back and forth and bellowing in rage and frustration, the stubborn creature temporarily settles back to its angry seething.  

This wasn't how it was meant to be. He was Golgotha; Tyrant king! Descended from a long line of gore and glory. His sire Satanus was the undisputed pack leader, until he brutally wrestled that leadership for his own! His grandmother was Old-One-Eye herself!

The little fleshy creatures had swarmed him and snared him with their chains and magic but he'd have his revenge. He could smell them now, just out of reach, but every one of them would eventually feel the sharp edges of his teeth. Salivating at the thought of it, warm drool pours from his mighty jaw and pools onto the cold ground beneath him. 

He would kill them all and he would savour every bite.


  1. very nice piece, high-lighting not a bloodcrazed beast but an intelligent psychotic killing machine. I'm leaning away from fighting him just for the xp. :)

    1. I considered making the title: 'Certain Death Waits in the Darkness'. :D


Do we play or do we go now?

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