Friday, 7 April 2023

Intellectual Pursuits

The penultimate Saturday's here! Over four months have passed since our last game but now only a week to go until our next session.

No new character stories posted up by you guys but I've not been twiddling my thumbs.

I've done much in-depth D&D R&D during this time.

I've not reread my notes, drawn any new NPCs or made ridiculous cardboard sets, oh no...

Instead I managed to watch four (One a month) Sword and Sorcery movies.

From the aptly named and not too terrible 'The Sword and the Sorcerer' starring Lee Horsley, to the truly awful 'Deathstalker' (1 & 2!), and finishing up with the Disney flop; 'The Black cauldron'.

All Eighties movies and, despite their reputations, all fun in their own unique ways.

The 'Sword and the Sorcerer' actually came out before Conan and was quite good in parts.

The 'Deathstalker' movies were so cheap and nasty, they came out camp and kitsch. No consistency in acting, wardrobe or even cast. They were so bad that normal arrows fired would explode on impact, overblown eighties action-movie style!

The animated 'Black Cauldron' was actually pretty good but based on Welsh mythology and far too dark for it's young 'PG' audience.

Still, lots of inspiring ideas...


  1. I haven't watched any films, but am SO looking forward to seeing the new D&D film.
    I have read the recent posts, and gone through my character and re-printed him. Hopefully I will be ready!

    1. Me too but not impatient enough to warrant actually going to the movies to see it. I'll wait until it makes it to Netflix. :D


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...