Saturday, 12 November 2022

Next Game

Hello boys,

Hope all is well - Assif, hope you get well soon, bud.

As tonight's game is not on, I've used the time to look through my diary. It's a little jammers, but here are some dates I can do...

I've assumed no Saturday mornings as that would be your Friday night, but there are some Sunday mornings that woulc work (8am start for me, 9pm for you).

Saturday 26th 
Sunday 27th (pm and am)

Saturday 10th
Sunday 11th (pm and am)
Sunday 18th (pm and am, though am isn't ideal as I'm out the night before)


  1. Thank's Scott,
    As I'm all plumped and ready, I say 'Saturday 26th'.
    Only two weeks away, so hopefully my brain won't have leaked out everything I wrote.


One for All

The music and wine continue to flow but the passive figure of Thornberg , standing back in the shadows of the surrounding tress, finally mak...