Sunday, 27 November 2022

Bird Brain!

Standing alone by one of the floating, spiralling portals, Sir Briefadel gulps down a curing potion and waits impatiently for his hawk's return.
It seems like an age for him, but he knows that, for his hawk; Syphonie, it can only have been a few minutes.
Time runs much faster in the void between worlds. By all his research, about sixty times faster. A minute outside the Givrad void is equivalent to an hour within.
Looking back over his shoulder, he glances at the portal he'd originally arrived through. Just the remains of the giant cockroach-like creature he'd dispatched on the floor but no sign of his brightly coloured assistant Egrow or, more importantly, no sign of any pursuers.
Scowling, Sir Briefadel accepts that if Egrow hasn't made it by now, he must have been captured or killed.
The Pool guardian and her Fey creatures would've been extremely wary of leaving the Green. It would be improbable but not impossible.
The duped adventurers though... He'd spotted them fighting against his soldiers. The ex-gladiator Fortu, actually battling against his men, fighting back-to-back with a ram-horned Satyr.
They must have turned against him.
No real surprise there, but would they be vengeful enough to chase him down the submerged pit though?
Would they have the moral and physical fortitude?
What would be in it for them?
Sir Briefadel pointlessly checks his weird map for the third time. He knows where he has to go.
Suddenly, the hawk he'd been waiting for, erupts out of the water, lands on his outstretched gauntlet and screeches.
Under his helmet, the human's brow knots above his eyes...

"You did what?!"

"You left the bloody rag behind?!"

"Right on the false path you'd laid?!"

"You idiot! They'll know they've been duped!"

"I don't care that a scary owl dived at you!"

"I don't care that it was bigger than you!"

Spinning on his armoured heel, Sir Briefadel strides back to one of the other portals.

"Come then Sephonie. It might still gain us a few extra hours head-start. Hell, we might be lucky and no-one will follow us at all!" 

"Best scenario of all; They blunder into frigid Kik-ri and the giant Remorhaz swallows them all whole..."

Another quick look back and the heavily armoured Sir Briefadel and his fantastically well-trained hawk, dive through the new portal and silence falls upon the void once more.

Saturday, 12 November 2022

Next Game

Hello boys,

Hope all is well - Assif, hope you get well soon, bud.

As tonight's game is not on, I've used the time to look through my diary. It's a little jammers, but here are some dates I can do...

I've assumed no Saturday mornings as that would be your Friday night, but there are some Sunday mornings that woulc work (8am start for me, 9pm for you).

Saturday 26th 
Sunday 27th (pm and am)

Saturday 10th
Sunday 11th (pm and am)
Sunday 18th (pm and am, though am isn't ideal as I'm out the night before)

Thursday, 10 November 2022

What a Dungeon Master wants, what he really, really wants!

Scott's potential game mastering of his own Ozzy campaign and a few recent grumbles about ours has gotten me thinking about why I plan encounters and limit the world of Fissa as I do?

Why, in a world of 'high' fantasy, do I set conditions on what treasure and equipment you're likely to find?

Why do I religiously insist on keeping track of the twenty odd arrows in your quivers?

I think it comes down to DMs creating the game worlds that they would want to play in.

I loved playing the video arcade game 'Gauntlet' when I was a teenager. I'd probably love it now, but it'd annoy me in a role-playing world that the Barbarian could carry and throw unlimited hand-axes.

Although I really enjoyed our shared (Sorry, not you David) University campaigns, I was often frustrated by the choppy tone that came with multiple DMs and a vague storyline.

The worst session for me though, was Sven's single attempt. I really liked Sven and good for him for having a go, but the fact he set deliberately impossible challenges and unbeatable monsters was beyond annoying.

For me, it's a case of having options. If my character was designed to be able to jump twenty feet across chasms, why, when wanting to jump a river would the DM suddenly contrive a reason for why that was impossible? A giant wave suddenly rises up, there's an invisible barrier, you just can't do it so shut up etc.

David, spoke about plot armour. He's right of course; although I don't really want to kill you all, players should absolutely not have it. The element of risk and ultimately death, is vital to the game. Without a real possibility of failure or consequences of poor decisions, there really is no game.

Don't want to be burned to ash by a gigantic fire breathing dragon?

Then D&D is probably not the game for you.

As a DM though, especially in a sand-boxy game like the one we're currently playing, the NPCs shouldn’t have it either. They can't for the exact same reasons. If you know absolutely that I'm going to keep the villain alive, no matter what you do, how hard you fight or how cleverly you plan, what's the point of even trying?

Obviously, I’ll try to keep the important ones alive. Hell, I’ll even try to keep the trivial ones alive too, but they can't be immortal. They have to exist in the same world that you do and abide by the same rules.

It was super irritating for me when you managed to capture Egrow, as he was quite important to Sir Briefadel's plans but, fair play, you were in the right place at the right time, made a decision to target him and you succeeded. 

Estrid's choice to blind and then murder him was, given how I'd conceived her, just the action that she would take. To do anything else would’ve needed charm and persuasion.

In the very first combat encounter of the 'Rat King' session, the bandit leader Spider Murphy managed to escape. Assif assumed it was because he had a future purpose and therefore 'plot armour'. In reality, it was just because he had excellent Climb and Jump skill rolls and wanted to stay alive!

That said, what the players want matters too. 

I know Assif wants to hit things and a session without any battles for him is a session wasted. Fair enough; I can't promise a battle, but I can certainly make it much more likely. I'm also very aware that Assif hates book-keeping but I still need him to at least keep track his expendable items like arrows and potions.

Scott seems more invested in character development and a clever application of tactics. I try to plan for every possibility, but Scott surprises me more often than not and I’m glad of it. It’s like a fun little battle of wits.

I think David is the most invested in the story though and staying true to his own/his character’s core beliefs and morals. That's a interesting area for us both to play with. 

D&D is a game built on three pillars: Combat, Exploration and Interaction (Role playing) and all three of these pillars are vital to any game. The precise proportions though, can vary by what the players want and the skills of the DM.

I'm no actor and although I'll have a go, I realise that my strengths lie more towards the story telling aspect, making puns and cardboard models. 

Finally, the problem with finding magical equipment. I try to limit the amount of magic available as I believe it can easily unbalance a game and the more you give, the more you have to give. It's a destructive boulder on a slope, that once started, can't easily be slowed or stopped. 

Give a character a hundred magic items and the player can’t help but forget what they have and utility items, no matter how brilliant, are often ignored. Also, there should be a reasonable explanation of why they’re there. If I just insert exactly what the players demand/want, whenever they want it, the story becomes broken, and our shared group suspension of disbelief is utterly destroyed.

That said, just for LOLs, I've inserted a loot pile containing a specifically targeted item for each of you in the very next (possible) encounter, should you want them.

Ah, zigga, zag, ah!

Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...