Saturday, 15 October 2022

The Loyalty of Men

Awake, alive and completely healed from their extensive wounds, the three surviving Scarborough soldiers' glance around themselves. All their compatriots lie dead and their leaders have either abandoned them or been butchered themselves.

Even if they hadn't been deprived of their weapons, there's little chance of escape. 

Whispering, the swarthy Barbella hisses into blond Henshaw's slightly jug ear.

"What do they want wiv us? Are they gunna eat us?!"

Henshaw answers in a low but nasal voice.

"I don't know... I fink they're planning on handing us over to that big bloke in the blackish armour... If they do, play along and follow my lead... And Doberman... Don't say nothing stupid... In fact, don't say nothing at all!"

The short, wide and trollish looking Doberman looks up blankly.



  1. see now you are just making them seem more shady and manipulative

    1. Nothing 'Evil' happening here, I'm just trying to establish their personality types outside of actual gameplay. :D

  2. They are totally going to stab us. Maybe we should preempt and kill them while they are sleeping. Just saying.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...