Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Who are the good guys?

 Fortu stands over the bodies of Philco and the three guards, he wants to bury them but feels his friends are impatient to start the chase. He also doesn't want to be beholden to the Fae by asking their permission.

He glances over to Estrid, her fiery destructive radiance muted now, her distain and contempt for Fortu still plain whenever she glances his way. He still doesn't understand her comments - for the past several weeks he's been shitting in the same places as Arowe and Liga Bur so why single out Fortu.

He looks down at the dead bodies, yes there were other dead guards ones that Fortu had slain himself, but these four had surrendered. Mercy was for the victor, he saw no mercy in Estrid. He'd been shocked and stunned when she'd callously slaughtered the kneeling guards but thinking back to the chaotic battle it made sense. She'd spent the main part of the fight protecting herself with spells letting the woefully expendable sprites fight for her - kittens in a bear fight. Sir Briefedel had run right past her to the pool and she'd done nothing to stop him. She was no goddess, she was a demoness.

What of the motives of each; Sir Briedefel seemed fixated on his mother, true he was deceitful and obnoxious, but Fortu wonders on the lengths he would go if he had a clue to find his family.

Estrid declared they she protected the pool, she'd obviously lied about its true nature. Neglecting to mention the portal below the waters. 'Protecting' hoarding more like - the potential good that the pool could be used for if only the Fae would share its power.

Fortu remembers earlier on during the trip waking up looming over Briedefel his anger at the pompous lord/owner but now wonders if they caught up with Sir Briedefel whether he will help stop him or just help him.

Without the time for a proper burial Fortu stands head bowed and quietly says the pit fighters prayer

"in the arms of the angels, fly away now. in the arms of the angels, find comfort there"


  1. Great post. I was starting to question the reason for chasing Sir B before, but now you point out Estrid's selfish, almost evil behaviour, I'm now wondering if we shouldn't just turn around and go home!
    Maybe we need more explanation from Estrid, what else does she know?

  2. Wow! A lot to unpack here but I feel Fortu's mostly angry at the deliberately misunderstood metaphor. :D

  3. No, Fortu is mostly angry at the way she killed the guards who had surrendered.

  4. Strong feelings. Too much to respond to in a comment box...


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