Saturday, 14 May 2022

The Mark of Kane

While leaning casually against the burnt and battered Lightning tree with his left hand, the raggedly dressed Ranger drags a long, claw-like fingernail down the tough bark with his right. After gouging out a long, slender, blackened splinter, he uses it to pick at something trapped between his yellowing teeth.

"I swear; I told them nothing about you!", the Lightning tree whispers.

Kane looks both surprised and a little disappointed, "Really? Nothing? Nothing at all? Weren't they curious about the symbol I'd carved so deeply into your bark? The symbol that I've carved all over the bigger trees in these forests, these last few decades?"

Mouthlessly, the massive black tree continues, "No, nothing. All they wanted to know was how to get to the Dryad pool."

Kane's heavy brow furrows deeper and spittle foams at the corners of his mouth...

"And you told them?! What do they want with Estrid? Who are they? What are their strengths and weaknesses? If you hope to keep on existing, you'd better tell me EVERYTHING you know about them right now!" 


  1. Even though he may have been told about us, he couldn't handle the real thing.
    "stay down!"

  2. No fair turnaround! That's what Kane said to Fortu after Rifkin risked all, when he choose to crawl over to heal the unconscious Fortu while being savaged by Iron; Kane's animal companion wolf!

  3. We were beaten, despite all the preparation. No excuses this time, my rolls were pretty good, i didn't run out of arrows, Fortu engaged with sword and Liga was mounted in the fight.
    But this is the boss fight of a campaign so it was always going to be tough. If Rifkin had chosen to retreat into the safety of the cave we had carefully prepared, we would have been aided and healed earlier.
    Maybe. But we were all but beaten and we won by the skin of our teeth!

    1. You're quite right. Rifkin's general impulse to run entirely out of the map nearly cost him and the Party dearly this time.
      In fairness though, he did choose to risk his own life in order to revive the mortally wounded Fortu.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...