Monday, 2 May 2022

In Search of Safety

With the wolf pack closing in and the elven Arowe and one of the horses still not fully recovered, the halfling scout Liga Bur rides ahead in search of a more defensible position.

Assured that, with the aid of the 'Pointy-finger-stick' wand, Arowe can stay on the right course, Liga Bur and his trusty hound Mir Hundur use their survival skills to look for higher ground and caves. Anywhere that would prevent the wolves from easily surrounding them and stymy their superior speed.

Atop his plodding horse, the armoured Fortu is free to snap branches from the trees as he passes. Wherever they camp, sharpened sticks will surely be helpful...

It's around mid-afternoon when the depleted horse Barry refuses to continue. Arowe is secretly grateful that he didn't have to make the same request out-loud. Within an hour, Liga Bur returns with news of his find.

Less than a few miles out of their way, the party find themselves at the mouth of a, thankfully empty, cave. Big enough to fit all of them as well as the horses and in the side a rocky bluff. Large fallen trees litter the slope leading up to it and the scree to either side of the cave mouth make the terrain inhospitable for a direct assault.

It's an almost perfect place to make a stand.

"Incredible!" offers Rifkin. "It's almost as if we planned it ourselves!"

Fortu sneers though, as he glances around. "It still needs some sort of spiked barriers."


  1. Fortu smiles, as he glances around. "It still needs some sort of spiked barriers"

  2. Let's meet in the middle: Fortu wrinkles his nose as he glances around. "It still needs some sort of spiked barriers."


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...