Sunday, 3 April 2022

Survivor's Guilt

After padding along behind his new group of two-legged friends for a while now, he's suffered through a whole gamut of emotions.

They've shown him nothing but kindness; the little one especially. Back in the hidden valley he'd eaten nothing other than fruit and vegetables but the little two-legs had given him hot meat!

He'd been nervous at first, despite the encouragement of the big dog and little fox. He'd always been told that eating other animals was wrong but those skinned and flamed rabbits had smelled so good and when he licked at them... The hot, sweet, greasy taste! His stomach growled in the memory and his muzzle instantly dripped with saliva.

Although already greying around his feathered eyebrows and jowls, he'd never travelled far beyond the secret valley path. Maybe a half-days trek with his master. Now though, he's weeks away from that security. He'd seen and smelt wonderous, terrifying things. The monstrous wolf-boar guardian, whom he'd only seen before from a safe distance and exciting/terrifying new creatures such as the giggling fish-women and whispering, life-sucking tree!

Still, he was alive and fitter than ever...

If only he knew what happened to his slightly-smaller-than-a-man master and his friends the tiny red bug-man and the owl-horse? Once, when given the chance, he'd asked the little-two legs about it but he'd just replied that he knew nothing about it.

Perhaps they'd just got lost and couldn't find their way home? 

Without fully understanding why, the Dork cranes his feathery neck skywards and screeches a melancholy cry to the heavens.

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