Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Pointing the Way

The bizarre but terrifying battle ends as abruptly as it began.

Liga Bur stands balanced atop his prostrate hound while both are dragged toward the living tree by its, apparently last remaining, exposed tendril-like root. The halfling though, rather than target the writhing appendage to free Mir Hundur, instead holds one of his few remaining flaming arrows nocked and ready to fly.

The physically enfeebled Arowe also chooses his teammates over personal safety and instead of fleeing, lobs a flask of oil at the immobile, yet mobile lightning tree. Weakened as he is, he's just strong enough for the glass to shatter on impact and splash its sticky black contents all over the living tree's vulnerable roots.

It's the mighty, downward, two-handed chop from Fortu's bastard-sword though, that signals the end. The last visible plant tentacle is cleaved cleanly in two, with the truncated side swiftly retreating to the relative safety beneath the dusty earth.

Already aflame in several areas, thanks to Liga Bur's magical arrows, the Lightning tree can somehow see the halfling ready to finish the job. Sensing no way to avoid being set fully alight by oil and flaming arrow and with apparently no way to strike back, the magical tree instead pleads for mercy!

With a whispering voice, alien but understandable, it shrieks,

"Spare me! Spare me! I meant no harm, I just hunger so!"

Fortu, who'd been the only one during the battle to fearlessly advance toward the tree itself, is the one to negotiate and surprisingly chooses compassion over cruelty.

The Lightning tree offers a small gold casket and information in exchange for its continued existence.

"What can you possibly know?" asks the sceptical Gladiator.

The Lightning tree however, is much more informed than you'd have expected and soon offers to lead the Party to the 'Dryad pool'.

"And how can a tree lead us anywhere?" Fortu asks, doubtful once more.

The massive tree twists and contorts until it's able to proffer an arm-like branch. At the end of that arm, stretches out a hand-like collection of stalks and at the end of those stalks, it extends a finger-like twig.


"Pull my finger!"

Hesitantly, Fortu reaches up and grabs the offered digit and it snaps off easily, resembling nothing less or more than a kind of wizard wand. The type used by Rifkin for healing and Egrow for fire starting.

"Trust in it. Trust in me. It'll lead you directly to the magical pool but I warn you... That water hides more than just one secret!"

With a half-intended promise to return some time with meat, Fortu is the last to clear the large circle of dead earth.

The burnt and hacked Lightning tree seems to wave as it whispers...

"goodbye...  friend."


  1. a nice summation of the battle, if I get time over the weekend I'll try to add something for Fortu. :)

  2. Thanks. The Orange inn is a nice place for me to better paint scenes and reinforce any information that I might have fumbled in actual game play. I'll do a few of these before the next session just to keep some momentum going. :)

  3. Enjoyed reliving it all over again. The plot rolls on and yet we are none the wiser.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...