Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Be prepared..

Although he has not noticed himself, Fortu is trusting of the skills and talents of his small friend, Liga Bur. It seems that a pack of wolves has scented their trail, unsure of when they may catch up, Fortu starts to plan for when they do.

"Steaks! that's what we need" announced Fortu, "but you've only just had breakfast!?" answers Arowe casually flexing his impressive bow - still not able to fully draw it but no longer struggling.

"steaks, long sharp pointy things to surround the camp at nights" explains Fortu easily pulling up a small sapling and beginning to strip and sharpen it.

"oh, stakes..." says everyone.

Fortu spends most of the day, pulling up easy to reach saplings or breaking off suitable branches from trees they pass. He realises that it would take too long to gather enough 'STAKES' to surround their camps but they could place some to protect flanks or narrow approaches.

There was a moment, that Fortu hopes nobody saw, when a breeze took the sapling he was reaching for. Several times he grabbed for it but it remained elusive, "are you another alive tree?" he whispered. It seemed that life away from the fighting pits was full of strange encounters, yet he felt secure with the small group he was travelling with and more optimistic of their ability to survive any future battles. 

(hopefully not famous last words)


  1. So Fortu's recommendation is to fortify the camp and wait rather than push ahead?

  2. "Would be nice if those saplings were arrows instead of stakes" - said Arowe not speaking in the third person. "I'm worryingly low on good longbow arrows and I fear we may need a good many pretty soon"

    Arowe seemed ok with hanging about - the more rest he could get to recover from the weakening tree-roots the better. But he could not shake the sense of impending doom, and his instinct was to run not stand.

    1. There's a mechanism is 3.5 to help archers.
      If an archer misses with an arrow or bolt, they have a 50% chance that it survived the impact and they can find it.
      Not that helpful with Hawkeye archers but massively useful to the less competent ones.
      Have a guess how many times Arowe missed in the Lightning tree encounter and claim half of them back.

  3. Arowe stops Fortu. "Good that you have gathered those stakes, but wouldn't it be better to make towards those bluffs in the distance and find a defensible ground - maybe against a cliff wall, or up on a raised plateau? We could then make the most of our defences."

  4. "sounds a good plan, didn't know how you were holding up. Whether to wait and rest up or move on"

  5. "Not so bad considering." Said Arowe. "My wounds, such that they were, are completely healed - but I am still feeling oddly weak. Nothing that another days rest or a couple of days light riding wouldn't take care of."
    (Arrow is still -2 str).

    "But if we had to, I would stand and fight now, of course."

    "What I really need is somewhere to get a few arrows for my longbow!"

  6. Arowe was wrong earlier about his estimate of arrows. Looking at the character sheet he actually has only 8 left. With the generosity of the DM I would say he could have found 2-4 more undamaged ones along the way?


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...