Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Lightning Tree: The Current Situation

After nearly two weeks of riding, the halfling ranger; Liga Bur leads his teammates through the beautiful woodland and out into open, rough grass. Ahead of them, as promised by the map, looms the Lightning tree. Similar to the drawings they'd discovered in the Three-Quarterling's upturned desk, it stands close to forty feet tall but despite being encircled by lush greenery, it is twisted, blackened and devoid of a single leaf.  Planted atop a small hillock in the centre of an implausibly barren circle of bare earth all around it, heavy, thick roots burrow into the earth, though bleached out rocks are all that remain directly beneath it. Further out, the rocks are buried underneath dry dust and beyond that; cracked, chalk-like clay. For at least thirty yards all around the mysterious tree, the earth is absolutely desolate.

Unsure what to expect, the armoured Fortu dismounts his large horse; Maurice and takes the lead, both literally and figuratively, as they cautiously approach the gently swaying tree. It's the sharp eyed Liga Bur though, who realises that the Lightning tree's upper branches are subtly swaying despite the complete absence of even the slightest wind. 

Closer and closer the four adventurers get, leading their mounts, with the winged Dork and the little red Fox trailing behind them. Unmolested, Fortu is the first to get within touching distance and he is also the first to notice the familiar three lined symbol deeply carved into the burnt bark. Between them, they'd found over a dozen of these symbols during the journey. A lopsided star? A 'K'? Tracing his gauntleted finger around the deeply etched groove, the ex-gladiator finds himself no closer to an answer. After some encouragement, the empathic Liga Bur tries speaking directly to the Lightning tree but despite the disconcerting feeling that it's both watching him and listening, he fails to incite any response. 

In frustration and disappointment, the elven archer; Arowe calls to the others to fall back. Perhaps there are clues to be found in the surrounding forest? As they all spread out and move away though, the ground below them starts to tremble and they're no more than thirty or forty feet from the Lightning tree, when four tendril-like roots rip through the earth and snake towards the closest creatures! 

The Nimble Arowe is the only one quick enough to respond, as he releases an arrow from his magical bow into the oncoming tendril. It slices deeply but the root still rushes onward to snag the elf's ankle. As long lived as elves are, Arowe is shocked to feel the cold root suck, not water but the very life out of him and he feels a portion of his strength leave him, even as the root drags him back towards the tree.

The remaining three roots, grab on to Fortu, the Dork and the nearest of the horses. Through, perhaps armour and feathers, Fortu and the Dork manage to resist the eerie strength draining effects but Rifkin's horse; Robin, whinnies is fear as you see it wither in front of your eyes. Only the burly and heavily armoured Fortu is able to resist the drag back towards the tree though.

In response, Rifkin the bard does exactly what his teammates have come to expect; Leading the remaining two horses, he runs towards the edge of the barren circle but does start to strum his inspirational and ever-ready mandolin. The opportunistic little Fox, ears flat and tail curled between his legs, also sprints toward the relative safety of the surrounding woodland. 

Only the battle-scarred halfling responds in kind. Guiding Mir Hundur with his legs, Liga Bur deliberately selects one of his recently acquired flaming arrows and fires it, not at the now thrashing and exposed roots but at the tree itself! His already skillful aim aided by the inherent magic held within it, the small flaming arrow hits true but the thick, rock-like bark prevents the arrow tip penetrating. It does hold long enough though for the fire to spread from the arrow to the blackened husk it touches. Only then does the Lightning tree make a noise and it sounds like a whispered shriek!

Off-balance but encouraged by Arowe's response and Liga Bur's success, Fortu also slices, one-handedly at the vine-like tendril wrapped around his leg. It's a wide cut but no blood is spilt and it actually tightens its grip. 

Rifkin's fortifying music now flows them though and the three of them battle on. Liga Bur, sensing his success, fires a second flaming arrow further up the dark trunk to similarly mixed results but a second fire catches, causing more whispered wailing. Weakened as he is, Arowe manages to draw and fire his bow until the root holding him is split. Fortu also manages to chop the root holding him and they both scramble backwards, away from the terrifying and now obviously malignant Lightning tree.

They have no time to rejoice however, as two more thick, rope-like roots tear out of the ground to recapture its recently escaped prey. Fortu is again thankful for his iron protection but poor Arowe feels yet more of his life-force syphoned from him. And though they struggle to resist Robin the horse and the Dork though are dragged closer to the Lightning tree itself...


  1. I'm obviously getting old and slow, wondered where the hell I got a horse called Maurice from...duh Gee Gees
    Nice recount, I got more of a feel for the tree and area.

  2. Yeah. I kind of do these ‘reminders’ as I’m aware that I’m not always the best at describing the environments during actual play. :S


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