Monday, 11 October 2021

Not Small, Far Away!

Despite all the warnings, Fortu is less than impressed when the ‘monstrous’ War beast breaks through the foliage in the distance. Sure, it's big by wolf standards but he’s fought many wolves in the arena before and always emerged victorious. 

But then, when the ex-gladiator and the wirey-bristled beast lock eyes and it rumbles to a charge, Fortu’s nerve falters a little. 

Ignoring the multiple arrows raining down upon upon it from his archer companions, the creature accelerates to a terrifying speed and as it gets closer, it gets bigger. Much bigger! Fortu realises too late that his perception of the creature's size had been a terrible under-estimate! 

His preconceived ideas of wolf and boar sizes had tricked him into doubting his own eyes and as the hybrid animal bears down on him, it’s more comparable to a fully grown bull with outsized tusks lending yards to its reach!

With nowhere to run, Fortu has no option but to brace his heavy shield and prepare to swing his bastard sword in retaliation.

The crushing impact is devastating, despite his recently acquired magical armour, and Fortu feels several ribs instantly crack beneath the black steel chest plate and tastes the familiar salty flavour of his own blood in his mouth.

Even as his vision dims, he thrusts his long blade directly towards the War's toothy maw. His years of training and drill muscled arms guiding his aim true but just as the blade's about to drive through flesh, the beast twists its mightily muscled neck and deflects the sword with one of its powerful tusks. Slicing across the beast's shoulder, it's still a fine blow but just not a fatal one.

In the moments before the world fades to black, the heavily armoured warrior catches sight of his bardic companion; Rifkin, quavering behind a nearby tree. There’s a look of concern on his beautiful face and the desire to run out to help but Fortu’s last thought is the sad realisation that not all men can overcome their own cowardice.

1 comment:

  1. Brave Fortu. That he was save from becoming the War's dinner was down to an even braver little doggo. And without Liga's arrow we would all have been meat for the grinder!


One for All

The music and wine continue to flow but the passive figure of Thornberg , standing back in the shadows of the surrounding tress, finally mak...