Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Stuff and who gets it

Full Plate Mail Armour +1 - Fortu please

Boots of Elvenkind - ?

Cloak of Elvenkind - ?
Large Metal Shield +1 - sell
Rapier +1 (Glowing) - ?
Small Quiver containing 20 x Small Arrows +1 (Flaming) - ?
2 x Pots of Oil of Keen Edge - Fortu 1 please
Hat of Disguise - Riffers
Small Silver Dagger +3 - ?
Ring of Protection +2 - ?
8 x Quaal's Feather tokens: Bird - party use

Up to Arowe and Liga to select/ divvy up the remaining stuff


  1. Thanks David.
    Why no header though?
    So Fortu and Arowe are fine with 'Riffers' getting the Hat of Disguise. What about Liga Bur?
    A lot of the equipment listed is self dividing but I'm guessing that the Ring of Protection may cause an argument?
    Also, that yellow hurts my eyes more than the green!

  2. header added, not sure why its yellow. I must of done something....
    was thinking on grabbing shield but a large one doesn't fit with my view of Fortu. will check what the oil does if I get one

  3. Would like the ring please.
    Would also make use of the rapier as I'm proficient with it. I would make use of the and boots and cloak of they are going but I'm not set on them.

    The rapier seems only +1 damage better than a masterwork one. Not extra to hit. Little confused. I've never actually hit anyone with a sword yet, mind.

  4. I was looking up Two-weapon fighting (Not-for-any-specific-W2-module-cover-reason) and was baffled by how complicated it is!
    Primary hand = Full strength bonus damage.
    Secondary hand = Half strength bonus damage.
    Two hands simultaneously = Full strength + Half strength bonus damage.
    This means you have to keep track of which sword you're hitting with and it's made even more complicated with the introduction of single magical weapons!
    Ultimately, probably worth it though.

  5. Liga Bur has snarfed up the small flaming arrows and small silver dagger. But for cosmetic reasons is going to claim it is a kukri, not a dagger :-p


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