Monday, 30 August 2021

Twixt and Twirl

After washing up the dirty glasses and plates in the kitchen, Rifkin wanders back into the warm and well lit living room, wearing the flamboyant magical hat found in the Beer's cell. He's also brandishing one of the brightly coloured, magical feather tokens twixt his thumb and forefinger.

"I've surmised what these feathers can do and ascertained how they work! If you write a letter down on paper, you can use these to magically send it to whoever you want, wherever you want, as if by a super, super quick courier pigeon. All you need to know is the name of the person you want to receive it. The more information you provide, the better but you don't need an actual address. The summoned bird will simply know where to go! We could send word to anyone, anywhere! Sir Briefadel, if we find the Dryad pool, each-other, if we ever get lost or even this Thornberg individual that the Three-Quarterling was corresponding with! We could write anything to anyone we know of and it'd get there safely and as swiftly as any fleet or tireless bird could!"

The Elvish Bard stops and beams at you all, truly pleased with himself before artfully rolling the wide brimmed, rainbow-coloured hat down his arm and spinning around in a theatrical twirl.

"Also, can I have this lovely hat as my half share of the magical treasure?"


  1. Arowe beams; "You are indeed a most surprising fellow Riffers! Those feathers will be a very useful to us for sure. And since you asked so flamboyantly, I'd only be too happy for you have the hat."

  2. What is this "rite-ing" you're talking about? You mean those weird scratches that hoo-mans leave everywhere? :-p

    1. Despite Liga Bur's barbaric appearance and Orcan upbringing, he's perfectly literate... Unless he's deliberately hiding that fact?


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...