Friday, 28 May 2021

Hit Point Less

The battle is effectively done but the encounter isn't quite over.

The Three-Quarterling didn't manage to even draw his dagger and his spells were all to buff his protector but Howly certainly attacked a few of you and little Scorcion did manage to inflict one point of pincer damage to Fortu before being turned into paste.

Egrow was absent, Rifkin hid and played by the entrance and although Sir Briefadel attacked ferociously, he was never physically countered. None of them received so much as a scratch.

Arowe, Liga Bur, Mir Hundur and Fortu were possibly not so lucky, so who's injured and by how much?

Consult your character sheet notes and post your answers in the 'comments' section below...


  1. So Fortu was hit once by Howly -13hp, then by Scorcion -1hp.
    So Fortu has 29hp atm.

  2. By virtue of being a ranged fighter, Arowe escaped the slightest scratch, so is fully fit (35Hp).
    The water though, is tempting!

  3. Liga Bur wasn't touched either. And whilst Mir Hundur was somewhat 'amourous' he was fine too. He's a big boy though, so everyone better hope he doesn't start humping legs any time soon...


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