Friday, 28 May 2021

End of the Home-Made-Module Game Date

After a quick debate a date was decided:

Sunday the 20th of June!

9am in the Morning for the UK.
6pm in the Evening in Oz.

A bit early for Scott but seems the fairest, considering the time difference and under the assumption that it won't change before the game. It also means that Scott can be tucked up in bed before 10pm as it's work the next day.


Hit Point Less

The battle is effectively done but the encounter isn't quite over.

The Three-Quarterling didn't manage to even draw his dagger and his spells were all to buff his protector but Howly certainly attacked a few of you and little Scorcion did manage to inflict one point of pincer damage to Fortu before being turned into paste.

Egrow was absent, Rifkin hid and played by the entrance and although Sir Briefadel attacked ferociously, he was never physically countered. None of them received so much as a scratch.

Arowe, Liga Bur, Mir Hundur and Fortu were possibly not so lucky, so who's injured and by how much?

Consult your character sheet notes and post your answers in the 'comments' section below...

The Way we Were...

The winding path, leading up to where 'old-mad' Konig's map shows the magic pool to be, is both steep and narrow and therefore potentially treacherous for the hesitant horses. Due to that, Sir Briefadel orders the now provenly ineffective wizard; Egrow to wait at the bottom of the path to guard the entrance and prevent their mounts from wandering off.
As the others start up the path, they feel a vague tugging in their minds. A subtle urge to move forward but nothing they can't or want to resist.
The party scale the rocky pass and after half-an-hour or so, eyes shining with an inner zeal, Sir Briefadel clambers up the final few stone steps to reveal the hidden garden in all its glory.
Barely able to suppress a shout of joy, he growls out, "I've finally found it! The answer to my all my prayers!".
Silently signaling to Arowe, the lithe elf slips past him and, keeping low, creeps silently through the suddenly long and lush grass.
The secret glade is breathtakingly beautiful with a carpet of grass, abundant fruit trees and several carefully cultivated vegetable patches. Sunlight sparkles off a waterfall at the far side that pours into a freshwater pool below, some of which has been diverted to irrigate the stepped crops and hanging garden.
Aside from the difficult to find entrance though, the whole area is contained within sheer cliff-like vertical walls. Each stoney face between twenty to thirty feet high and so steep to be almost impossible to climb unassisted.
From his concealed vantage point behind a large pear tree, heavy with sweet aromatic fruit, Arowe can only see two creatures out in the open. A disconcertingly small looking, red haired man, dressed in simple robes tending to his crops and an even odder looking ruffled horse, head stooped, drinking from the pool.
Neither seem to have noticed him and, after sharing a look and affirmative nod from Sir Briefadel, The elven archer fires three arrows in rapid succession into the feathery flanks of the monstrous horse.
The tranquillity suddenly shattered, the 'horse' rears and squawks in rage. The way its head unnaturally revolves all the way around, reveals it to be more monstrous than even Arowe suspected, with huge saucer-like eyes and vicious beak! He also notices with alarm that the arrows he'd fired from his recently acquired magical bow, seemed to have barely penetrated it's thick, feather-covered hide.
The tiny man, blue eyes wide and terrified, instinctively seeks shelter and dashes behind another of the bountiful fruit trees, out of the sharp eyed Arowe's line of sight.
It matters not though, as Sir Briefadel, Fortu and the halfling Liga Bur, astride his faithful hound, rush into the fray.
Arowe, Liga Bur and Fortu face off against the ferocious owl-headed horse, while the heavily armoured Sir Briefadel rushes directly toward the small man cowering behind the tree.
The little man proves a frustrating opponent however, as he runs around the trees to avoid Sir Briefadel's deadly sword, whilst simultaneously seeming to both heal and enhance his horse-like companion.
Suddenly a tiny, blood-red tauric creature scuttles from a cave mouth and hurls itself at the comparitively enormous Fortu. It has the legs, body, claws and stinger of a scorpion but the torso, arms and head of a minuture orc. Spittle flying from it's miniscule mouth, it screams,
Finding purchase, its pincers grip on to Fortu's flesh, as it attempts to bring its poisonous stinger into play. Unable to use his gigantic blade properly in such close quarters, Fortu is forced to use it to literally scrape it off of him like a giant razor.
A red and yellow smear is all that remains as the dissected Scorcion body falls lifeless to the ground.
Between them, Arowe and Liga Bur drive arrow after arrow into the maddened Howl's feathery, leathery hide and Sir Briefadel manages to corner the three-quarter scale druid against the stone wall beside the magical pool.
With one last, desperate squawk, The abomination between owl and horse takes a final arrow direct to the eye from the too swift, Liga Bur and dies on the spot.
It's only then, that the undefinable pull to approach the pool and drink from its water, manages to overcome both Arowe's mental defences and Liga Bur's faithful mount; Mir Hundur.
Like sleepwalkers they turn and plod directly towards the calling pool but are both stopped by the quick witted actions of Fortu and Liga Bur.
The battle hardened Halfling, uses his mounts harness and his own riding skills to wrestle the big dog into temporary compliance. The beefy ex-gladiator though, is forced to snare his errant team-mate with his ever-ready battle-net.
With all hope seemingly lost, the too-small-to-be-a-man, simultaneously leaps away from Sir Briefadel while transforming into a catfish mid-air, as he dives into the shimmering water.
Standing at the edge of the magical pool he'd so keenly sought and momentarily confused, Sir Briefadel curses to the heavens!
It's only then that the bard Rifkin's inspiring music stops and a deadly hush descends across the glade... 

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Nightmare in Elm forest

 Fortu glances across to Sir Briedefel, the armoured knight facing off against the tiny 3/4ling.

He is distracted by the memory of the last night in the centaur camp; he'd woken from another blood drenched dream, where the face of his dead foe was again that of Lord Briedefel. To find himself standing over the sleeping lord, the urge to smash his entitled face nearly overwhelming. Drawing a calming breath he'd backed out of the tent and returned to his own pallet, trembling he'd lain awake the rest of the night scared of where his dreams might lead him. 

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Centaur Camp Tour

After their potentially fatal initial encounter, the cynical Fortu is surprised to find himself sitting in a camp clearing, sharing a fire, food and wine with the very horse-men creatures that had, so very recently, tried to kill him. He'd never imagined life outside the arena could be so much like it was within it.

The ruggedly handsome Tsigane, had been true to his word and the group of adventurers were made welcome, even as the two gravely wounded Centaur warriors had been hurried away to the tribal healers. Sir Briefadel had repaid their hospitality with the majority of his remaining wine stocks but it turned out to be a wise gesture. What could, potentially, have been an awkward evening had turned into a glorious feast with music, dance and genuine laughter.

The 'Centourists'; Silver and Mr Ed are by far the most attentive, curious for news of the elven and human worlds. They are cautiously watched over though by the true centaurs though, and any responses to questions from the party about the magical pool are quickly stamped out with a stern glare or subtle shake of a maned head. Perhaps Sir Briefadel had better luck in his private conversation with the grizzled Chief Rozinante?

Later on though, Little Silver organises a choral performance and sings an emotional but odd song about a magical 'Lightning tree'. The elven Arowe enjoys the powerful blend of savage and sylvan influences. The more closed off Liga Burr though, notices the deliberate eye contact Silver keeps making with him and, although the lyrics are lost on him, he's gratified to see their bard; Rifkin paying close attention. 

One by one, everyone drifts off to their shared marque-like tents, some more worse for wear than others but Sir Briefadel and his wizard squire; Egrow are conspicuously the first to retire.

That night, Arowe and Liga Burr examine the longbow and medallion gifted as restitution and gratitude for sparing their young warriors lives. The Longbow is masterfully crafted, even by elven standards and obviously enchanted. The medallion though remains a mystery. Even Rifkin and Egrow can't define its purpose beyond 'magical protection' of some sort.

In the morning Egrow's normally tasteless gruel-like porridge breakfast is made surprisingly palatable by the addition of fruit, nuts and berries supplied by the Centaurs.  Finally, with broad smiles, floral leis and wishes of good luck, the party lead their horses out of the camp with a renewed feeling of optimism.

"We're close." Sir Briefadel beams. "I feel it in my very bones!".

The Lightning Tree - Follyfoot TV Theme (1973) - Bing video

Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...