Monday, 21 December 2020

Riffling through the Rats and Rags

Although several of the outbuildings of the tannery are aflame behind them, Fortu, Arowe and Liga Burr quickly search through the filthy and raggedy clothes of the old mystic.
Most of his stuff seems worthless but you do discover the previously heard pan-pipes, a coin purse, a couple of potion bottles, a silver scythe, a scroll case and an odd looking, engraved wooden stick. Only the urbane Arowe recognises it for the wand it is. Unfortunately the symbols carved into it mean nothing to him and give no clue to its purpose.
The Halfling Liga Burr though is much more interested in the amulet hanging from the chain around the giant rat's neck. Despite the blood and grime covering it, he can sense its power.
Baffled by the items, the practically minded Fortu skirts the flames and releases the two tethered mules before their building catches alight.
Aside from that, there's not much the trio of injured adventurers can do to prevent all of the closely built, wooden and thatch outbuildings burning down. Only the main building escapes that charcoal fate.
While the fires are still raging, the slightly elf Rifkin wanders back to find his previously semi-abandoned friends.
"Thank Olidammara that you're safe! I was worried that you were all rat food! Did you hear me though? I tried to help from where I was..."
The three burned and rat bitten warriors turn to him and stare.
Ignoring the silence, the foppishly dressed bard spots the wand and coos.
"Blimey, that's going to be useful!"


  1. Well that Rat was bloody hard to hit - I imagine that amulet had a lot to do with that.
    Protection? Bark-skin?
    I'm guessing we could all do with that!

  2. I've never really looked before but for this elite group, I've been trying to use character classes and monsters that I've always felt uncomfortable with.
    Druid animal companions, though dumb, are madly overpowered!
    Improved ACs and HPs in addition to greater strength, dexterity and attack bonuses!


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...