Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Giving myself an edge

 Fortu finds himself alone on the mezz' floor with 3-4 extremely large rats. Although he has had no formal education he can usually sum up a fight;

 if he jumps he knows he will land badly then be totally surrounded by the numerous, quicker, large rats.

if he stays at the mezz' edge he can limited the number of rats that can reach him and hopefully kill them before they kill him.

Hoping that the nimble Arowe and surly Liga Bur are in a healthier situation than himself he edges to the side wall of the mezz'. Thinking of healthier he remembers the potion he spent all his gold on, praying that he wasn't duped he reaches for it.........

1 comment:

  1. Seemed expensive at the time but now I'm thinking that potion you bought from Vitalli was gold well spent!


Do we play or do we go now?

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