Wednesday, 22 July 2020

The Exodus

Liga Bur brushed back the heavy tarpaulin cover of his chieftan's teepee. Madh Boss waited inside, in the relative cool the shelter provided sat upon the few rugs they had managed to keep from the Red Eyes as they retreated.

Madh Boss sat silently staring at Liga Bur for what felt an eternity until, with no apparent warning he spoke...

"We need leave. We no go back. Red Eyes kill us if do. But we die here if no go forward. We need go through desert."

Liga Bur understood the significance of such a decision. The desert was deadly enough here at the edge, but no one knew how much worse it would get - or for how long - until it would end on the other side. And who knew what they would find there?!

As Liga But opened his mouth to speak, Madh Boss raised a hand to silence him.  "Me know. Dangerous journey. Many orcs will die. Only strongest live. Dis why you no come."

Stunned and open mouthed Liga Bur could find no response, and Madh Boss continued.  "When me found you as youngling, me took you in and raised you like orc. Other orcs said Madh Boss crazy, but Madh Boss is bigger and me prove dem wrong. Me train you in how to be good orc and you is one of best scout in Darkstar Clan. You is good hunter. Have heart and soul of orc. Dis not happy choice for me. But you is not really orc, you is half-man and you is too small for desert crossing. You too weak. Me make choice to save you."

Reaching behind him, Madh Boss brought out a chainmail shirt which looked tiny in his large hands. "Me wanted to give you dis, but was no good time. Now you have. Is sparkly elf make and protect you in future. Now you go. You leave camp and you go find life in man-land. We go into desert and we live or we die." The finality in Madh Boss' voice told Liga Bur the audience was over and he withrew from the tent. 

Outside Madh Boss' wife was waiting with Mir Hundur already saddled and ready for travelling. As she handed over the reins, she slapped him on the back so heavily that Liga Bur lost his breath and had to be helped into the saddle. Sensing the mood, Mir Hundur whined quietly as he slowly left the campsite.

Liga Bur did not look back. That was not the orc way. But he knew he would never see his adopted family again, and he would now have to find a new way as a halfling in the world of men.


  1. I didn’t see that coming!

  2. Ah, another Mithral Shirt - good choice - for a half-orc ranger/druid I should think :)

  3. Hang-on I misread the last sentence ... half...ling ?
    But earlier he said "you is not really orc, you is half-man" ...
    Oh, I don't know!

  4. oooh the oh so big twist in the last sentence. Still not seeing the actual class though, have I missed a hint?
    Hunter/ scout = Ranger/ thief..

  5. Considering the mount Mr Hurdur...
    Scott’s awareness of the ‘It’s more powerful to be a single class’ rule combined with the knowledge that the opposition will only get tougher, leads me to the conclusion that he’ll go full Ranger.
    That way, his mount will retain some chance of survival if I have a moment of weakness and target the normally one HD dog!
    The ‘Half-man/Halfling’ hint fooled me completely though!

  6. A Halfling Paladin would have hilarious though!

  7. Riding dogs are 2D8+4 so hopefully he'll last the first encounter at least!


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...