Sunday, 3 November 2024

DMs Run the Game they’d want to Play in

Congratulations! We finally (after a few false dawns) finished the ‘Givrad Void’ module! I hope you’ve all enjoyed playing this adventure as much as I did running it. 

Like the title says though, I think Dungeon Masters, Dungeon Master because they get frustrated as Players in other Dungeon Master’s games. Assif, I know is just there for the ‘kick-in-the-door’ combat. Scott enjoys devilishly circumventing or disrupting my carefully contrived plans and Cousin David’s probably just there out of love and loyalty. 

For me though, it’s all about the story. Everything has to make sense within the internal logic of the fantasy setting and common sense and reason must always be able to be applied. Villains will behave as smartly or as dumbly as their stats state and monsters will exploit their own environment and physical advantages to the full. Henchmen and associates will behave in a way depending on their own agendas and as a reflection of how well or poorly they’ve been treated. Actions will always (well usually at least) have consequences.

That said; everyone finally gets to Level-up to 7th level! (Even Rifkin and the lesser Henchies!)

Fortu: 24,763 xp (7th!) 

Arowe: 24,558 xp (7th!)

Liga Bur: 24,331 xp (7th!)

Rifkin: 15,009 xp (6th!)

Henshaw: 6,271 xp (4th!)

Barbella: 6,271 xp (4th!)

Doberman:  6,271 xp (4th!)

At this point, I’ll also give you all an opportunity to have a little tweak of your characters, if you want. No changing race or class (apart from the new 7th level cross-class level if desired), but if you want to replace a previously chosen Feat that never came into play or you want to rearrange your skill points a little; fine by me. 

This is all under the assumption that we all want to soldier on with this campaign? Even though we’re occasional players rather than weekly grinders, a long-form D&D game is still a time consuming commitment.

I’m going to try to take a break from compulsively thinking about it until the new year, aside from possibly/definitely posting up some videos and the last of my background stories. Despite the routinely depressing ‘No comments’ underneath each posting, I still hope that you read and enjoy them all.

They’re chock-full of clues and reminders of what’s happened, but hopefully entertaining too. If we are to continue, I’d urge you to spend some of your free down-time to read back through them and take a few notes to remind yourselves what’s been happening, why it’s been happening and who it’s been happening to?

After you’re latest decision, I’m already wondering what’s going to happen next? I wasn’t sure whether you were going to charge into the lower levels of Hell after Hetzabah and Sir Briefadel or return to Fissa to face the potential wrath of the (small ‘g’) goddess; Estrid and the hulking Druid; Thornberg? Now though, wIll the seven (and a dog) of you try to seek out and warn the eyepatch wearing, old Lord Urdurel that his errant son is coming to get him?

At the end of yesterday’s session (as Scott’s full-time back in England), I suggested that we perhaps just drop the online sessions and revert back to the quarterly ‘Cottage of Doom’ weekends?

David though suggested that we might instead do a combination of both? 

Either way; Fun, fun, fun!


  1. I think you have tried very hard to make a campaign that we all want to play. You put in regular combat to suit my small brain, but plenty of story and intrigue to keep David and Scott interested. You have built a extraordinarily rich world that somehow makes sense within itself.
    But, as you point out, all DMs make campaigns with features they want to see and for you this means make sure all characters follow what makes sense for their story and abilities. This is what it makes it so compelling. Of course the druids wouldn't let go the murders of their brothers, it makes sense that the ooze had a purpose and environment that it would live in, and its only correct that Doberman and the Henchies all had consistent motivations that had nothing to do with us players (even though we often forgot which henchman was which!).

    I only feel bad that I am not able to engage in the out of game content in a way that your prolific output deserves. That is down to me, I am afraid - I don't live this world in the way that you do. I find it difficult to jump out of what I am doing and into Fissa and the fantasy.

    As to the last question: do we carry on, and in what format? I will take some time to honestly reflect, but for sure, I don't want these times with good friends to come to an end.

    1. Thanks Assif. I think i just need to know that the in-between posts are actually being read. To me, a 'No comments' post means that I've failed to capture your interest or made you laugh. Realistically though, I should understand that I've got a great deal more time than all of you and I'm writing them, as much for my entertainment than yours. :)

  2. I read them, for sure. Nut often I just don't have anything to say. Sorry if we are not the most vocal of audiences for your fantastic writing. I'll try to do better.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...