Saturday, 19 August 2023

Who, What, When and Where Wolf?

The Party are safely now two days out from walled Valdez city, with the Halfling; Liga Bur, confident in his almost preternatural ability to lead his friends to the 'mythical' tower. It'll still be a difficult, eight-day journey due to the heat and desert terrain, but if they continue travelling during the cooler hours of, what passes as, night here in Calscienta and follow the few visible stars, they'll be fine.

Rolling up his map while bouncing along on the odd camel creature, Liga Bur's memory drifts unbidden back to their two recent arena bouts. In each battle, in an attempt to change their collective fate, he'd used his supernatural 'gifts' to momentarily summon a wolf. 

The Halfling half-smiles to himself. It had worked though and each time the magical creature had managed to temporarily distract their opponents. Enough to disrupt their enemies' plans and turn the tide of battle.

In retrospect though, something didn't seem... quite right. 

Weren't these creatures just random summoned spirits given temporary flesh-like form? But it'd definitely looked the same each time, with a distinct vertical scar-like mark intersecting its left eye. Had it somehow been the same wolf both times? Perhaps it's just his mind playing tricks, but he feels that he recognised it somehow. 

From when though? From where?


  1. love your header, like how we all try and shoe-horn in puns.
    my guess its the wolf that killed his family, now having to atone for their deaths by protecting the baby - now adult- Liga bur

    1. Interesting theory. I wonder if Scout has any thoughts on it?
      I used the header joke in the last faux-module blurb but it was too good to only use the once. :D


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...