Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Back in the Green

Even as he's advising Rifkin on how to find his way, Tsigane feels his burning back and shoulders start to cool. He tries to wish the Bard 'good luck' but he can't be sure if he heard it. The Demi-Elf will certainly need it.

Unsquinting his eyes for the first time in an hour, the chestnut coated Centaur circles around, trying to get his bearings. He's back in the Fey wilds but astonishingly, exactly where he was. Despite running for the best part of an hour, he's travelled nowhere, not even a hoofstep in his own world!

Tossing his head in disbelief, Tsigane finds the nearest pool, wades straight in and immerses himself completely. The cool water stings his sun blistered skin but after the initial bite, it soothes him. It'll take a few days, but he'll be fine. Gulping down on the water between chokes, The centaur thinks of his Father. He wouldn't yet know that his son was missing, let alone settled their debt with the Goddess of the Pool.

Smiling broadly, Tsigane shouts out to the bright blue sky through the green canopy.

"Our blood debt is paid and I still live!"

Rolling to his four feet, the Centaur clambers out of the water and heads back to his camp. Rozinante must be told and Estrid must be updated of her Champions... Progress?


  1. Glad someone had a positive outcome after our shameful capture.

    1. That 'shameful' encounter did spur you all on to better tactics next time though! ;P


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...