Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Lockdown 6.0 / Game Dates

Hi chaps,

Melbourne is in full lockdown again. Has been for a month or so. Will be for at least another month or so. We even have 9pm curfews again.

So, the good news is my diary is pretty available for games, mornings or nights (with the exception of Claire's birthday weekend.

Do these work for you at all?

18 / 19 Sep

25 / 26 Sep

2 / 3 Oct

9 / 10 Oct

I think our time zone changes again on October 3, which brings us one hour closer together again so after then might mean we get a longer session in?

Or, given that I have FA to do anyway I'd be happy to stay up late on a Saturday or get up early on a Sunday if that helps?

Monday, 30 August 2021

Twixt and Twirl

After washing up the dirty glasses and plates in the kitchen, Rifkin wanders back into the warm and well lit living room, wearing the flamboyant magical hat found in the Beer's cell. He's also brandishing one of the brightly coloured, magical feather tokens twixt his thumb and forefinger.

"I've surmised what these feathers can do and ascertained how they work! If you write a letter down on paper, you can use these to magically send it to whoever you want, wherever you want, as if by a super, super quick courier pigeon. All you need to know is the name of the person you want to receive it. The more information you provide, the better but you don't need an actual address. The summoned bird will simply know where to go! We could send word to anyone, anywhere! Sir Briefadel, if we find the Dryad pool, each-other, if we ever get lost or even this Thornberg individual that the Three-Quarterling was corresponding with! We could write anything to anyone we know of and it'd get there safely and as swiftly as any fleet or tireless bird could!"

The Elvish Bard stops and beams at you all, truly pleased with himself before artfully rolling the wide brimmed, rainbow-coloured hat down his arm and spinning around in a theatrical twirl.

"Also, can I have this lovely hat as my half share of the magical treasure?"

Monday, 23 August 2021

War Zone

Sitting cross-legged on the floor and reading by the warm light of the lit fireplace and several oil-lamps, the four adventures spend several more hours eating snacks prepared by Rifkin and studying the murdered Three-Quarterling's notes and journals.

These notes reveal several answers to some previously confusing issues...

The first being; why was the hidden garden so poorly defended? The Howl seemed frightening but only survived Arowe's initial onslaught due to magical bolstering and fell soon after anyway. The tiny Scorcion seemed more like a squeaky, mentally challenged cheerleader and the Three-Quartering himself, despite his defiance, hardly put up a fight at all!

The answer was luck. Pure dumb luck!

A plan of the hidden garden, shows all the rooms (including secret room) of the underground but cosy cavern complex, the layout of the garden and magical pool, the long winding mountain path entrance and the denuded woodland area immediately surrounding them.

There are several colour shaded in areas, each expanding outward in rough circles, covering larger and larger territories. They are all labelled 'War zones' but with the dates advancing along with the zones increasing size.

These zones appear to be the ever expanding, ranging territory of the 'War'. A hybrid Wolf/Boar. A voracious, omnivorous, apex predator.

Due to it's large physical size and even larger appetite, it has driven off all the natural animals and consumed the majority of edible vegetation.

Liga Bur had noticed some of the damage on the way in but dismissed it as probably the work of a regular passel of wild boars. The Halfling shakes his dreadlocks. He'll make sure to pay much closer attention next time.

This discovery solved two of the Three-Quarterling's problems; The War naturally deters nearby animals from wandering within the magical pools calling sphere of influence and, as hybrid animals are averse to attacking other hybrid animals, this gives any new-born hybids a greater chance of early survival.

The Party must have fortunately missed the War's irregular patrol.

Some connected notes also explain why the Three-Quarterling was keeping the terrifying Beer in the cells. It was a standby replacement just in case the War was killed.

The zone has become quite large over time and there is no avoiding travelling through it, regardless of whichever way you decide to head.

Fortu and Arowe look to Liga Bur... Will they be so lucky again?

Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...