Wednesday, 10 February 2021

A Poem Wot I Wrote

 Arowe was mesmerised by Sir Briefadel's story.  So much of it resonated with what he himself had been through.  being born into a high position in society was not easy - sure, nothing like being a farm labourer but tough nonetheless. 

However, Arowe's motivation was entirely different to that of Lord Urderel's illegitimate, albeit powerful son.  The young elf was just a dreamer - he wanted to be part of the epic story that is told on the stage and sung by bards travelling far and wide.  One might suppose that is why he took so easily and readily to Riffkin, and loved having a statuesque gladiator and stout halfling to fight alongside.

He felt he had to tell Sir Briefadel something of himself.  So he stood, took the actors pose, waited for the attention of the audience gripped by pure charisma learnt from years studying the greats:

The Castle of Glendorne, to the manor born,
A privilege bestowed but purpose not owed.
Living to read verse and lengthy prose,
To tell stories filled with adventure and force.
But all the while dreaming
That he was the hero direct from the page torn.

With sounds of pipes of Pan the next chapter began
Finding themselves outnumbered and overrun
But fighting with numbers fewer, the terror of the swamp and sewer
The arrow and sword, would write the last word.
Cleansing fire flames a-weaving
The legend could begin to rise from the ground.

Arowe sat down again. Quietly he said. "It's not finished. But, thanks to you sire, we can make this the Epic of which I dream"

(edit: being->begin)


  1. an epic worthy of Homer....

    Seriously- great stuff, I love the 'statuesque Gladiator'

  2. Thanks mate. I find it difficult to find the time to make these posts - but when I do I decide to write poetry - definitely biting off more than I can chew!

  3. My misfiring brain misread that section as 'Burlesque gladiator'...

  4. 'The Castle of Glendorne'?
    Our mental visualisation of elves is definitely different.
    I see them as smallish, gentle forest dwelling folk but you're more the tall, beautiful Lord-of-the-Ringsy'sort.
    So Arowe's family live in a proper stone castle?

  5. Maybe think more Rivendell than Camelot. It is a poor translation from High Elvish to Common. Also, nobody mentioned stone. That vision is all inside your Human brain.

  6. And anyway, I sort of make this shit up on the spot. In case you hadn't noticed.

  7. 'Making shit up on the spot' is the best part of D&D!


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