Saturday 12 October 2024

Tales from the Ledge: Moody’s Warning

Leaving the distracted and recently deafened Rifkin to tend to the, still weirdly wounded Doberman, Barbella walks over to Henshaw, who remains staring over the toothy ledge.

Casting a slightly too casual look over his shoulder, the swarthy stabber-for-hire, loudly asks.

“Any sight of them?”

Before sneakily whispering into Henshaw’s oversized, pink and sticky-out ear.

“I was finking about what that Wizard Moody said before Fortu slit his throat. He told us that the adventurers didn’t really care about me, you and Doberman and that they’d sacrifice us as soon as it was advantageous to them.”

Henshaw furtively glances at the apparently deaf Rifkin before whispering back.

“I can’t say I appreciated the way Arowe shouted at me when I questioned why he was sending Doberman out first…”

Barbella interrupts his lanky friend.

“As Canon fodder!”

Henshaw sighs.

“The Elf was frustrated and under pressure though… And he did offer us a larger share of the loot from now on.”

Barbella sneers.

“Look around you; this tower was a prison, not a treasury. A half share of nothin’ ain’t no more than a third share of nothin’. It was just a costless bribe, just in case we was thinking of betraying them and they was definitely willing to ‘sacrifice’  Doberman to gain that ‘advantage' Moody was talking about.”

The blond-haired Henshaw sneaks another crafty peek over his shoulder.

“In fairness though, I’m surprised Doberman’s still alive anyway. He stupidly barrels into every skirmish with no concern for his own safety. He just chops away with whatever weapon he happens to have to hand. He's got no finesse whatsoever!”

Barbella smiles.

“That’s true. In Doberman’s stubby fingers, everythink’s an axe. Frankly, I’m surprised he’s not been killed just by all the foul crap he mindlessly stuffs down his cake-hole!”

Henshaw laughs out-loud but Rifkin still doesn't seem to notice their conversation.

Doberman’s so fat, he can surround a group of enemies all by himself!”

It’s Barbella’s turn to choke with laughter.

Doberman’s so stupid, he could pick a fight wiv himself in an empty room!”

After a while their shared mirth subsides and they gaze back at Rifkin and Doberman, who are both sitting upright now. Then, Henshaw, with a serious expression falling again across his face, finishes their conversation.

Doberman may be a fat idiot but he’s our fat idiot. It ain’t right that they treated him like he was just expendable.”

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Reflections in the Dark: Fortu

Fortu roars in rage as the sneering Sir Briefadel, his Mother still in his arms, steps back over the lower-teeth barrier and falls off the edge. Running forward, the ex-Gladiator is amazed to see the armoured Knight and naked woman falling at a pace far slower than he'd anticipated. It takes him a moment to register that the roaring, magical wind is substantially reducing their rate of fall.

Searching around, desperately for something to do, Fortu grabs his combat rete and casts it down after them, but it too is caught in the wind and just spirals comedically above them. Perhaps due to its weighted ends and relatively small surface area, it does appear to be falling slightly faster than his enemies but frustratingly, not fast enough.   

Then, with reckless abandon, Fortu dives headfirst off the balcony after them!

If Sir Briefadel, while wearing full plate-mail, could do it, then surely the same updraft that slowed their fall would do the same for him? The wind rips at him but his armour fully protects him, aside from his exposed, and now already windchilled mouth and chin. For a moment Fortu wonders how the bare-naked woman below can tolerate it, but then he remembers the insidious, thousand-bladed machine she'd recently been trapped within. Glaring up, she momentarily locks eyes with him and then, just before the darkness below swallows her up, Fortu again feels those multiple needles of pain pierce his solid armour, as if it wasn't even there.

A few moments later, Fortu too is engulfed in the inky darkness and, although it's glow doesn't illuminate the blackness more than a few feet in front of him, he's still thankful for the 'light' spell that Rifkin had recently recast upon his new sword.

His new sword...

The beautiful, raven haired, voluptuous woman had laughed when she saw that he'd found 'Her Husband's sword'

As he tumbles onto the sudden ground, Fortu is forced to consider what he really knows about Lord Urdurel. Obviously, his son; Sir Briefadel despised him, but what value is there in the opinion of a snake? When he’d first disembarked in Stowan via the oceans to the south, Fortu had avoided the larger cities. Considering his fraught, captive slave history, he had no desire to spend anymore time within their walls.

Clambering to his feet, Fortu feels around for his lost net but he's not surprised when he fails. The fierce cross winds could have carried it yards from where he landed. Strangely silent in the thick, soupy darkness, Fortu advances with his massive flamberge sword raised, on the lookout for the Witch and her son.

What actually, did he know? He'd heard that Lord Urdurel was the undisputed leader of the prosperous realm, that it sat at the furthest point of the Human lands and acted as the border between the so-called civilised world and the mysterious Fey realm. Lord Urdurel appeared to be a King in all-but-name. A supposedly wise but reclusive old man, respected rather than feared. His rule was said to be firm but fair and he'd kept the peace with the neighbouring regions by way of a strong, well organised army and stronger diplomacy.

All turned around in the dark, Fortu realises that he's not even sure which way he's facing and begins to suspect that leaping into the darkness, had possibly been a rash decision.

Saturday 5 October 2024

Tales from the Ledge: The Men Left Behind

Henshaw and Rifkin are still tending to the battered, bitten and barely conscious Doberman, when Barbella rejoins them in Dulcetta’s stone mouth.

After checking on his friends, the swarthy Barbella moves over to the toothy edge.

“The fools jumped after the bastard! They all just jumped!”

Discarding his finally fritzed out healing wand, the now stone-deaf Rifkin joins the bearded rogue, peers over and shouts.


Barbella shakes his head.

“No. Sir Briefadel and his Witch Mum rode off on a flying, black horse, what was hiding in the darkness below. Our three‘glorious leaders’ just fluttered down behind them.”

The Demi-Elven Bard looks confused.

Sir Briefadel and his bitch Mum rode off on a frying crack whore?!”

Leaving the pallid Doberman where he lays shivering, Henshaw joins the others at the edge of the ledge.

“So, do we trust that updraft and follow them down or dare face the Blob?”

Barbella’s pragmatism settles the discussion for the moment.

“There ain’t no hurry now. Let’s just wait to see if they makes it out of the darkness alive before we decide either way.”

Sunday 29 September 2024

Octoberfest or Novemberbest?

September brought a shortened (one encounter) session. Let’s see if we can do better in October… or maybe November?

Thanks again Scott for your uninterrupted Googlemeet membership. Sorry for missing the initial code you sent. 

Are we all free for four hours on any of these mornings?

Saturday the 26th of October 

Sunday the 27th of October 

Saturday the 2nd of November

Sunday the 3rd of November

Saturday the 16th of November

Sunday the 17th of November

I promise that I won’t make any rash; ‘This’ll be the end of this module’ promises this time.

Edit: Thanks Boys. Saturday morning on the 2nd of November it is! (Almost exactly a month away.)

Saturday 28 September 2024

Why Should You Care?

Assif asked the question after the last session; 

“Why should we care about Sir Briefadel?”

It’s simultaneously a fair and unfair question.

As a Party, you were sponsored by Sir Briefadel to find Estrid’s magical pool/portal. You were doing that for the sake of adventure and promised coin. (Coin that he was never going to pay.)

At the moment of your success however, Sir Briefadel betrayed you and magically transported (with the aid of Madame Morgana) himself, his lackey Egrow and about thirty soldiers to your position. After which, you fought a bloody battle, where you swapped sides and found yourselves fighting back-to-back with Magritte the Satyr and the other Fey creatures against Sir Briefadel’s troops. 

You won the battle and captured the ‘Wizard’ Egrow but Sir Briefadel and his phenomenally intelligent Hawk; Sephony, managed to get to the pool and escape through the dimensional portal. 

It was at that point that Estrid, the goddess of the pool pleaded for your help to pursue Sir Briefadel and stop him doing whatever he was attempting and to prevent him, at all costs, from returning back through her pool.

It should be obvious by now, that beyond just being an evil dick, Sir Briefadel is consorting with actual demonic creatures and is attempting to raise an army of the damned to destroy his father; Lord Urderal, along with a huge chunk of the continent.

Individually, it’s a slightly more difficult question. Why should a Halfling, a Human and an Elf risk their lives and chase a whinging, vengeful Aristocrat through the void between worlds?

Arowe’s introductory story, painted him as a flamboyant, drama seeking Elf, desperate for fame and glory.

Fortu’s was about brutal death, a lack of autonomy and the anguish of not knowing his own past.

Liga Bur’s dealt with the mystery of his Orcish upbringing and the loss, of not just one family, but his unknown Halfling one too!

It’s my ‘job’ as the DM, to try to tie these three backstories into the thread if the overarching adventure story but it’s also your responsibility to actively engage in it.

Is travelling into the Fey realm, battling living trees and werewolves before passing through multi-world dimensions, not enough of an adventure for the drama hungry Arowe?

Is the recognition that Liga Bur felt, as he saw the Hag’s eyes flash ‘demonic’ red like the ‘Red-eyed’ Orc clan that slaughtered his Orc tribe, not enough to drive his urge for revenge, or at least, his curiosity to find a link between these two events?

Is Fortu’s heart not filled with a desire to learn more about the magical, indestructible, seemingly symbolic sword he now possesses? An enigma, that’s perhaps more solvable than the frustrating mystery of his own personal history?

I’ve tried pretty hard to create an enticing world for you three to explore and a hopefully exciting adventure. Ultimately though, it’s down to you as the Players to choose to engage in the story. All I can do is offer, hopefully fun/interesting plot hooks; it’s up to you three to bite. 

Should you continue to chase Sir Briefadel into Hell itself? The only reason you caught him the first time, was because he (overconfidently) waited around for several days, just in an attempt to recruit you. Perhaps you should return to Fissa to warn Estrid or even Lord Urdurel that his son is raising a fiendish army for vengeance and conquest? Or you could disentangle yourselves from this responsibility and look for another cause or adventure.

Ultimately, you can decide that you’ve seen enough of the world(s), that adventuring isn’t for you after all and just retire. You’re all certainly rich enough now. It’s entirely up to you.

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Poor Memory, Worse Drawing

A post mostly just to use the drawing wot I drew.

Dulcettas’s tower slowly (and nonsensically) rotates on the tiny tip of a small, inverted stone Gnome’s pointy hat. The sky is a vague grey all around with nothing to be seen and below, swirling, impenetrable blackness.

The Party is currently (but almost certainly temporarily) split in two, with Fortu, Arowe, Liga Bur and Mir Hundur in the magical darkness, outside and underneath Dulcetta’s tower. While the henchmen, Rifkin, Henshaw, Barbella and Doberman are looking down in the mouth of Dulcetta’s stone face.

The Henchies face the choice of taking a leap of faith after the Adventurers and counting on the magical updrafts to save them, or heading back down through the tower. If they choose the tower, they’ll have to hope that their combined strength will be enough to heave the solid cold-iron block back out of the way before, possibly, facing the huge acidic blob again and then, somehow hope they can work out how to open the huge main outer door again from the inside, without Fortu’s ‘key-sword’ to activate the huge lock.

The Adventurers, on the other hand, ‘only’ have the arduous task of climbing up the eighty-foot slope… in the swirling, smoky darkness!

Sunday 22 September 2024

Thoughty Too

With nostrils full of hellish flame, the large, black-as-night, bat-winged horse bursts through the protective veil, back into the blazing heat of Calcienta and lands beside the group of tethered camels, half-a-mile from the tower. The humpbacked creatures’  twin-lidded, long lashed eyes bulge and they try to run but the iron rods that their reins are tied to, are driven down too deep.

Gently lowering her wounded son to the floor, the suddenly scar free Hetzabah roots through his supplies for the remainder of his potions.

“Drink this my handsome boy.”

Sir Briefadel’s eyes flutter open and he coughs.

“They tried to kill me! You said that they wouldn’t! You said that they’d join our cause! You swore we were invincible! I could have died!”

Rising naked, from her crouched position, the beautiful, raven haired woman glances back down at the still supine Sir Briefadel.

“Truthfully, that didn’t go as I’d expected. The Elf’s possession of an ‘Oath bow’ was a surprise but there’s something beyond mere revenge driving those men. Something deeper. Perhaps something that they don’t even understand themselves. The Orc raised Halfling and the far too tall Elf are oddities I can’t place but something about the scent of the Human Gladiator is disturbingly familiar…”

Alive but still injured, Sir Briefadel clambers, shakily to his armour-clad feet and scowls at his, somehow much younger, Mother.

“Sod the bloody adventurers! I can’t believe my own soldiers betrayed me! Why on Fissa, would mercenary scum like that put loyalty before gold?!”

Tales from the Ledge: Moody’s Warning

Leaving the distracted and recently deafened Rifkin to tend to the, still weirdly wounded  Doberman , Barbella  walks over to Henshaw , who...